Scarlett stared down at the motionless bodies on the hallway floor. The Hallowed Cabal had made their move.

“There are more of them,” Fynn said, sniffing the air. He paused. “…They’re not guests, right?”

Scarlett shook her head. “They are not. There is no need to restrain yourself.”

It was them or her. She’d accepted that the last time the Cabal ambushed them. She wasn’t going to pull any punches.

But to think they’d actually attack the mansion itself this time. Even if it was temporary, this was still her freaking home.

A loud cry rang out further down the hallway.

Crap. Would they touch the staff? Most of them were in the mansion’s west wing, but that had sounded a lot like Molly…


“Come with me.” She started down the hallway in her nightgown. The cool night air flowed against her exposed legs as her bare feet touched the carpeted floor. But there wasn’t much to be done about that. This was no time for a wardrobe change.

They soon reached the corridor where Scarlett’s office was located. There they found Molly, the woman’s hand pressed against her chest as she stared at another black-clad body lying on the floor. The servant was one of the few who had a room in the mansion’s east wing, so that she could be of service when Scarlett needed it.

“M-My Lady!” Molly cried out when they approached. “I-I heard a loud sound! A-and then there was a b-body!”

“I took care of him on the way,” Fynn cut in from the side.

Scarlett glanced at him. Thank god she had recruited him. And thought of giving him a room close to hers.

She turned her attention to Molly. “Return to your quarters and conceal yourself as well as you can. The intruders are unlikely to search all the rooms thoroughly, so you will be safe there. Do not leave until either I or one of the other servants tell you to.”


“Y-Yes, my Lady.” The woman trembled as she tried not to look down at the body.

They accompanied her to her room.

“Are there any others in this wing?” Scarlett asked Fynn as they left her and continued deeper into the mansion.

“There were, but I think the old man took care of them,” he replied, rubbing the bare skin on his arm. Scarlett had given him one of her health potions to heal the large gash that had been there, so now there was mostly just dried blood left. She needed him in prime condition to deal with things.

“How many?”

“Four, I think.”


She frowned. That meant there had been at least nine Cabal Adepts just in this wing. Considering they often came in groups of four, there had to be more of them left.

“Can you sense any more of them anywhere else?”

He seemed to focus for a moment, a scowl appearing on his face. “I can’t. But there’s something weird outside.”

Damn. That meant there were other variants among these Adepts. Probably some specifically meant for stealth. It probably wouldn’t have much effect against Fynn close up, but they had larger spells that made it hard to sense things at range. That fact alone might raise suspicions, but it was good for stopping the enemy from telling your position.

Soon enough, the two of them made it to the mansion foyer. Scarlett stopped upon seeing a burned body close to the entrance. Another Cabal Adept. It seemed like Garside had indeed grasped the situation quickly, and was cleaning up.

Steps sounded out from the stairs, and Shin and Allyssa came running into the foyer. Shin was dressed in a simple set of clothing with sword and shield in hand, and Allyssa had her bandolier and brown goggles on, along with her hand crossbow. The two young Shielders sent Scarlett questioning looks.

Allyssa’s attention turned to the Adept’s body. “Ittar’s light… What’s happening?”

“Who is that?” Shin asked, staring at the gold mask that covered the body’s face.

“Intruders,” Scarlett said. “There might still be more of them around. Do not lower your guard.”

She wasn’t certain either of the two was much stronger than a Cabal Adept. They worked best as support for Fynn in these kinds of situations.

A bright light lit up parts of the room as a loud explosion crashed out from the courtyard. Scarlett spun her eyes towards the doors, where red shadows played across the high-facing windows peering outside.

She turned back to Shin and Allyssa. “Ensure that all members of the staff are safe, then join us in the courtyard. Have Rosa accompany you if you encounter her.”

Allyssa stared at her. “What? What about you?!”

“Fynn and I will find Garside, as well as whoever is responsible for this attack. It is imperative that we do not waste time, so go!”

The two gave her hesitant looks, but soon yielded and turned around to carry out her orders.

Scarlett briefly glanced at Fynn, then moved towards the front doors. Another explosion of light and crashing sounded out.

As she opened the doors, she was met by the sight of a half-dressed Garside standing at the foot of the entrance stone stairs leading up to the entrance, a gathering of black-clad bodies spread around the courtyard before him.

A tall woman with braided dark hair, dressed in clothes that might have belonged in an old pirate movie, jumped to the side at the other end of the courtyard as a trail of ear-piercing ignitions followed her, blasting aside another Cabal Adept in the process. An array of daggers and weapons hung off her belt, and after nimbly rolling away from another sudden blast of air tearing into and burning up on itself, she hoisted up two small axes into her hands. A moment later, they shot off like bullets towards Garside. The old butler moved his hands and two small explosions erupted in the path of both axes, just barely knocking them off course so that they cut into the steps behind him.

Scarlett blanched. The axes cut into the stone. Like butter.

She froze at the axe handle that dug into Garside’s shoulder. His left arm was hanging limp to the side.

Fynn let out a low growl as he jumped off the stairs, the wind soaring with him. He landed in front of Garside, near the center of the courtyard, where the fountain and the grass mounds around it had all been ruined beyond recognition.

The black-haired woman’s attention turned to Fynn, and she pulled up another axe.

Scarlett blinked. Crap. She couldn’t let this fight go on.


She summoned a blinding sphere of fire above the courtyard, like a miniature sun lighting up the night. Everybody’s heads turned away, and Garside spun around to look at her.

“My Lady! Return to the mansion!”

“I will not.” She hurried down the stairs, looking towards the woman at the other end of the courtyard. “Stay your hand! I wish to parley!”

She dispelled her fire, letting the moon’s pale light return over the space. Thankfully, the woman actually seemed to listen to her words, judging from the fact that an axe wasn’t sent flying immediately after. The same went for the three Adepts that were still standing.

Fynn looked ready to pounce any second, in case they moved.

Garside held out his remaining arm as Scarlett passed him. She stopped for a moment, turning to look at the old man. His skin had grown pale and covered in sweat, the upper half of his shoulder covered in blood that poured down his side.

God. That axe had cut deep. How was he still standing?

A blistering rage of emotion loomed as she stared at the wound.

She took a deep breath before it escalated any further. “…Words cannot describe how much I appreciate your concern,” she forced out, meeting his eyes. “But I will deal with this.”

She pulled out another health potion from the pouch in her hand. It was the last normal [Health Potion] she had, but even that was unlikely to be enough to deal with an injury like that. Hopefully, it’d do enough for them to be able to treat him later on.

The man looked like he wasn’t going to accept it, but after a glare from Scarlett, he reached out and took the potion with a pained expression.

Scarlett walked past him, towards the center of the courtyard. The black-haired woman lowered her axe.

Scarlett raced through the situation in her head, trying to think of the best resolution. The woman before her wasn’t just your ordinary member of the Hallowed Cabal. Technically, she wasn’t a member at all. She was a part of the Tribe of Sin. But the distinction between the two wasn’t large in this case. It was surprising to see her on what was clearly a Cabal mission, but perhaps that was a sign of how busy they were at the moment. Whatever the reason, this woman was far from weak. If they all teamed up against her, Rosa and the others included, they might stand a chance. But none of them were prepared for such a fight currently.

And beating her would cause several other issues to arise. The fact that she was here to begin with meant that Scarlett’s place on the Hallowed Cabal’s list of priorities had risen a lot higher than she wanted. Defeating this woman meant her threat level would rise even higher, and next time, they would definitely send someone Scarlett couldn’t deal with. This situation had to be nipped in the bud before it escalated.

“Well, this makes things easier for me,” the woman announced. “It’s no wonder the last batch never made it back. You guys are stronger than expected.”

Scarlett stopped beside Fynn, meeting the eyes of Riya, the Tribe’s mad dog.

“I take it you were the ones who sent people to ambush me before?” Some of her anger slipped into her voice. “I had hoped their subsequent failure would be enough to deter you from barging into my affairs again.”

“Wish the world worked like that, love.” Riya placed her hand against her hip. “I’ll give you a choice. Either you make that old man back there stand down all nice and quiet so that I can chop it off cleanly, or I’ll tear it off and gather up all the people in this mansion in front of you and get those clothes of yours bloody.”

Scarlett stared at her. The nerve of this woman.

She glanced back at Garside. He had a beaten expression on his face, but still looked ready to get back into it at the slightest hint of danger.

She couldn’t imagine herself ordering him to give himself up like that, even for a second. The mere thought brought a taste of bile to her mouth.

And there was no way the Hallowed Cabal would just leave all these witnesses be, anyway.

She turned back to Riya. It took all her effort not to yell at the woman.

“…Let us discuss this. Privately.”

Riya raised her brows. “Discuss? Love, you look like you’re ready to slit my throat.” She smiled, waving her hand. “But sure.”

Scarlett bit back her reply, giving Garside and Fynn one last look before walking up to Riya. Her heart beat in her ears as she glanced down at the weapons hanging off the woman’s side.

“I believe I have already ascertained which group you belong to,” she spoke in a lower voice, aware that Fynn would still hear everything. “I will simply say this: let us strike a deal.”

The woman stared back at her. “That’s not exactly on the table, love.”

“That is because you are not aware of what you stand to gain from it. I can assure you, what I have to offer is worth far more than you realize.”

Riya considered her for a while. Then she pulled out a reflective piece of grey metal from one of her pockets.

Scarlett only barely stopped herself from drawing in a breath as the mirror-like object took on a darker hue, a black fog spreading over its surface. A moment later, a sharp voice sounded out from the [Mirror of Communion].

“What is it?”

A sense of relief filled Scarlett. That wasn’t The Angler Man.

If it had been, her hand would have been forced.

“The target wants to strike a deal,” Riya said, looking down at the mirror.

“We do not negotiate with those blind to the truth.”

The woman turned back to Scarlett. “You heard ‘em.”

She reached for an axe.

“Wait.” Scarlett raised a hand. “I suspect I know what it is you are after.”

Riya held still. Only silence followed from the mirror.

“Well. Go on,” the woman said.

Scarlett looked between her and the [Mirror of Communion]. She had a hunch about who was on the other side of the mirror.

“Am I correct in assuming my dealing with the Grey Dog Gang two months ago was what caught your attention?” she asked. “My investigations at that point revealed their involvement with you, and at first I believed the following ambush on my carriage to be in retaliation for that. Judging from today’s attack, however, I can tell that is not all.”

Riya didn’t look like she had a care in the world about what she was saying, but the voice in the mirror stayed silent, so Scarlett continued.

“From your earlier words, I presume you do not wish for me dead. As such, I can only conclude you are interested in what artifact I used to resist the mental prying I encountered when I discovered that artifact in the Grey Dog Gang’s base.” She paused, taking a long breath. “In exchange for leaving me and my people be, I can share information about this artifact.”

The [Mirror of Communion] was silent for a moment. Eventually, the answer came.


Scarlett clenched her jaw. Of course that wouldn’t be enough. They could literally just tear any information she had out of her mind. She had to convince them she’d told them everything she knew, and that there was nothing to gain from getting rid of her. It couldn’t reach the state where she spoke with The Angler Man. This was one occasion where showcasing all her knowledge was more of a threat to her than anything.

“…I am willing to compromise,” she said. “There must be something more you want. Perhaps you are not aware exactly of who I am, of the influence I can bring to bear, or the connections I have. There is not much either party stands to gain from us opposing each other here.”

“Riya,” the voice on the other end said.

“Yeah?” the black-haired woman looked down.

“Kill everybody but her.”

“Got it.”

“Wait!” Scarlett stepped back as Riya reached for an axe. “I know the location of the Seal of Thainnith!”

“Hold.” Riya stopped immediately after the voice spoke.

A gush of air blew past Scarlett as Fynn appeared beside her, glowing claws floating above his fists as he glared at Riya.

No one moved.

“Speak,” the voice said.

Scarlett had her eyes fixed on Riya. A mix of panic and rage made her want nothing more than to blow these people away, but she had to hold herself back.

She’d just taken a giant gamble.

There was literally no way for her to cleanly get out of this situation if The Angler Man were to arrive on the other end of the [Mirror of Communion]. And for something this serious, they would definitely call him, even if he was busy. But there was a chance—just a chance—that the reason he wasn’t here right now wasn’t just because he was occupied, but rather that he couldn’t.

And if that was true, there was an avenue she could take.

“Rimepeak. Northrest. Brinewick. Cloudmoor.” Scarlett counted off several names. “I am not the only one that realizes the significance behind the places you attacked last month. But it is likely that no other individual knows the location of the Seal.”

She met Riya’s eyes. “I, however, do. But I will not share this information if you harm me or any of the people under me.”

Once again, silence followed from the other end of the mirror.

Scarlett held her breath.

“…We’ll speak.”

[Quest completed: Survive the Hallowed Cabal’s assault]{Skill points awarded: 8}

Oh, thank god.
