Eventually people from the estate arrived with a silver-coated carriage and a wooden wagon in tow. Two guards in light armor and gambesons, that Scarlett recognized as two of the men who sometimes guarded the front of the mansion's gates, jumped down from the front of the carriage. The driver was the same young man Scarlett had sent away to get help—she just now realized she'd never even thought of getting his name, even though she had been trying to learn the names of many of the mansion's other servants—who seemed to have gotten a change of clothes. The man that helmed the wagon wasn't someone she recognized, though. He might've been a stablehand of some kind.

Soon the doors on the carriage swung open and a man in a dark suit stepped outside, followed by a middle-aged woman with dark brown hair in a bun that Scarlett recognized as the head of the female servants. The woman, however, quickly returned to the carriage with a horrified expression after catching a glimpse of the dead bodies. The guards stood to the side as the man in the suit, Garside, walked up to Scarlett—who had now risen from her own impromptu seat—and threw a glance at the row of corpses, grimacing. He bowed before Scarlett. "My Lady, we began moving as soon as we heard the news. It gladdens me greatly to see that you are safe." He turned to Kat and gave her a bow too, though not quite as deep as the one he gave Scarlett. "Miss Breeden. You have my eternal gratitude for protecting the Lady."

Kat threw up a hand. "Erm...it's nothing, really. It's literally my job."

"Nonetheless, it is an indisputable fact that you have been of great help to our mistress," Garside said, his thick grey mustache trembling slightly as he spoke. "I realize some of our earlier interactions have not been entirely cordial, and for that, I apologize. I hope I have not caused any undue offense."

Kat took a step back. She looked uncomfortable having the old man apologizing to her. "Right, well, all's well that ends well and all that."

Scarlett raised an eyebrow. For a moment she'd almost thought that Kat had quoted Shakespeare, but she knew that wasn't the only place where that proverb was used. It did make her wonder where the proverb originated in this world, however, and how the Modern Imperial in this place shared so many idioms with the English she was used to. They didn't just pop into being; they had to have some etymological roots that differed from those in her world. Just another thing she could add to the ever-growing list she had of questions about the nature of this world.

"Thank you, Miss Breeden," Garside said before turning from Kat back to Scarlett. "My Lady, how should we deal with this situation?" he then asked, wrinkling his nose as he gestured his arm towards the bodies that were lined up close to them. The smell wasn't that bad, actually. The smell of scorched wood from the burning carriage largely overtook it, and Scarlett didn't mind that smell too much.


She examined the damaged bodies for a moment, before speaking. "Remove their equipment and bring it back to the estate. I want it stored away safely. Ensure that as few individuals as possible know of it."

The butler's eyes stayed on the unmoving figures. "...And the bodies, my Lady?"

Scarlett looked at him. "Deal with them in a suitable manner."

Garside furrowed his bushy brows. "Suitable manner?"

She paused. She had hoped he'd know what to do just from that. He was the butler of a villainess, after all. Knowing how to get rid of bodies sounded like something they'd do sometimes. Then again, it might be possible the original Scarlett never involved Garside or any of her other servants in matters like that. She hadn't seen many signs of it, after all.

"Bring them to the officials in Freybrook and report them as brigands," she eventually said. She would have preferred if it didn't get out that she killed these people, but the Cabal would probably learn of it soon enough, so it might not matter that much. Hopefully turning up to the officials with a bunch of bodies in tow wouldn't be considered as something illegal or unreasonable for a noble like her to do if they claimed they were bandits. If people bothered to investigate, Kat's testimony should be enough to assuage any other doubts.


"I will make sure it's done." Garside nodded his head.

Scarlett then turned to the toppled carriage. "This will also require handling."

Garside looked at the burning vehicle. "This much I can do," he said and walked closer to it. He lifted his hands into the air, and soon enough the flames engulfing the carriage started dying down. After about half a minute the fire was almost completely gone, the only remaining specks of it the slightly-glowing wood pieces that had made up the carriage.

Kat let out an impressed whistle. "That was just through pyrokinesis? That's impressive."

Scarlett looked at the glowing remains. She'd had no idea he even knew any magic. What grade of pyrokinesis would this translate to? [Greater Pyrokinesis]?

The old butler lowered his hands. "You flatter me, Miss Breeden. I pale in comparison to the late Lord, and I am certain the Lady and young Madame will soon surpass me," he said, straightening his cuffs. "I've always had a knack for pyrokinesis, but I'm ashamed to admit my other skills aren't quite as impressive. I am no match for a B-ranked Shielder such as you, I'm sure."


After saying that, he looked towards the two guards who stood to the side, eyeing the bodies of the Cabal Adepts. "Excuse me, my Lady. I will go and guarantee your commands are followed." With that, he walked off towards the guards and started speaking with them. Their expressions sank at whatever it was that he said, though Scarlett could make a guess.

Kat stepped closer to Scarlett, leaning over surreptitiously. "Do your family actually just have some secret magic or something like that? First it's you being better at using advanced magic techniques than you are normal ones, and now the butler too?"

Scarlett kept her eyes on Garside as he oversaw the two guards who got to work undressing the dead bodies. "There is no secret. It is merely a coincidence," she answered. She seriously doubted the grey-haired butler had access to a skill system the way she did. But it was surprising that the old man hid such abilities. And apparently the original Scarlett's father had been even more impressive. It did make her curious what the previous head of the Hartford family had been capable of.

They watched for a while longer as Garside gave out orders to the guards and then the servant lady in the carriage before he returned to them. "My Lady," he asked. "What are your plans from here on?"

Scarlett thought about it. "We will be resuming our traveling," she said after a moment. "Did you prepare the other carriage?"

"Yes, as you asked," he said and nodded his head. "I presume you will not be returning to the mansion before, then?"

"No, we will leave at once. I do not wish to waste more time than necessary."

"Understood." He gave a short bow, before slowly looking up at her. "...If it does not trouble you too much, may I make a request?"

She signaled for him to go ahead.

"I ask that you allow me to accompany your Ladyship on this journey."

Scarlett frowned. This was unexpected. "Why?" she asked.

Garside inclined his head. "I am afraid something like this attack might occur again. If such a thing were to happen again, I would not be able to forgive myself for being complacent."

"Hmm." Scarlett looked over the man with a thoughtful expression.

"I will do my utmost to not hold you back in your endeavors, my Lady. I merely wish to aid you as I can."

"What of the matters I entrusted you with back in Freybrook?"

"I have already informed Marlon of the necessary procedures," he said. "The servants at the mansion will be able to carry on without me for a few days."

She presumed Marlon was the woman in the carriage. "...Very well," she said. It might be good to have another experienced person with her for now, just to be safe. She doubted the Cabal would make another attack before they returned, but it wouldn't hurt to be careful.

Garside just gave a short nod. "I will make the last necessary preparations before we leave then." Once again he walked over to the guards, pointing to the bodies, the wagon, and the destroyed carriage.

Scarlett looked over at Kat and saw that the woman had a slightly stiff expression. Ah, right. He'd been the one to tell her off for her 'uncouth' behavior before. Just a moment ago she'd been impressed by the man, but she might not like the idea of being stuck in a carriage with him for a few days.

Well, he'd already apologized. She doubted there'd be any more problems, especially when she was around. Mentally shrugging those thoughts away, Scarlett began moving towards the silver-coated carriage that the servants had brought. It didn't take too long for Garside to finish issuing his orders to the people, and soon enough they were off in the new carriage, leaving the servants with the wagon and the bodies to deal with the situation. She would have to remember to give them some kind of reward when she returned.
