Scarlet Asger

So one of my parents is one of the strongest races of demons? A noble demon bordering on royalty?

What the hell was a Class V demon doing getting involved with a human anyways?

Judging by the fact that there are spawn in this Fracture, it is most likely a Class I Fracture. The weakest type of Fracture there is. And likely the only reason I’m alive right now.

As for my magic… well, considering that I’m half blood lycan, that makes sense.

“Let’s get this over with before anything else gets here,” the tanuki begins, drawing my attention back to it, “your listed magic is what determines the direction that your skills will go in terms of the power they’re based off of. It does not mean that it’s actual magic. Although in your case, it might just be that later on.”

Yeah, I already knew that part.


“Stats do not change your body at all. All they do is alter the way your body interacts with reality around you, making you stronger in the sense that your presence in reality is stronger and you therefore are physically, magically, and mentally more powerful than you were with lower stats, which is something a lot of humans don’t seem to understand,” he continues, making my eyebrow raise slightly at the indignant manner of which he spoke that last part. “The stats you get per level are decided by your species and your magic combined with what ‘Class’ as you humans call it, that you’re in. Levels 1 through 100 being Class I, 101-250 being Class II, 251-500 being Class III, 501-1000 being Class IV, and anything beyond that Class V.”

Wow. He’s really just going straight through it without wasting any time.

“What each stat does should be self-explanatory, and I’ll correct you in the case that you’re wrong. All I’ll say on that front now is that a 10 in each of the three main stats is the average for most unawakened humans,” he says, ignoring my thoughts. “Next up, we have Skill Points and Skill Levels. There are two types of skills. Inherent, which are what you get from leveling up, and purchased skills. You have to level up inherent skills through using the skills, whereas you have to level up purchased skills – and purchase them in the first place – using skill points. Now think, ‘Skill Store’.”

I blink in surprise, trying to register everything that he just said. Because while he’s right that the stats are rather self-explanatory. Mostly. I haven’t heard much talk about the specifics of skills.

Deciding to just go ahead and do as he says, I think ‘Skill Store.’

Skill Name:


Achievement Requirements:



SP Price:

Predator I

Unlocked through killing a demon at a higher level than you by at least three levels.


The lowest rarity predator skill.

It grants the user a 3% boost in stats when fighting a creature at a higher level than themselves.





Unlocked through killing your first demon.

A basic utility skill used to clean the user and their equipment.





Unlocked through killing your first demon.

A basic utility skill used to repair non-magical clothing.

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Unlocked through killing your first demon.

A basic utility skill used to recharge magical equipment through the user’s own mana.




