
I let out a lazy yawn as I continue lying down in the middle of a frozen wasteland in the Arctic while letting the zombies around me take turns chomping on me. All Class IV zombies, of course. And only with me periodically cutting my arms with my own claws to open up wounds for them to get into.

Seeing as they can’t actually pierce my skin and all.

It’s a good thing these undead are almost all unintelligent. They make for a rather nice boat of corruption to get that achievement with.

Although I will admit, lying here letting mostly dead things chomp on me and infect me with viruses all day for the past few days has been more than a little boring.

“I’m pretty sure you’d be labeled as a weirdo with a strange fetish if the internet saw this…” Tar mutters, but I ignore him.

There’s nothing wrong with sitting here grinding achievements from non-sapient demons.


“Most people wouldn’t cut open their own skin to let said demons infect them with viruses…” Tar retorts quietly.

I act like I didn’t hear him.

More importantly, just how many freaking viruses and diseases am I going to have to cure anyways?!

Tar doesn’t say anything for a second while looking off to the side as If I didn’t just ask him a question.

I know you heard me.

He sighs and turns to me before pausing a second and eventually answering, “You need to cure instances of corruption from one million different beings.”


I sit up straight in an instant after hearing him, sending the zombies piled on top of me flying high up into the air until they leave the sight of normal humans as my gaze locks on the furball.

“You mean to tell me I’ve been wasting my time here letting zombies chomp on me?” I exclaim.

Tar stays silent for a second and meekly answers, “Not… entirely.”

Right. Because the infections each counted as one different being, right?

“Yeah!” Tar exclaims, suddenly a lot more motivated.

I grab the furball in an instant and throw him into the air too while standing up with a huff and looking around at the remaining zombies nearby. None of whom haven’t already bitten me at some point.


So I wave my hand, sending needles of blood straight through each and every one of their skulls and into their brains. Then I expand the needle to explode, destroying thousands of heads as I begin to walk away from the clearing of zombies.

I guess it isn’t entirely Tar’s fault considering how he only arrived recently from his five-day-long meeting with the other fae royals about the void threat. But he could’ve at least been more specific on what the achievement required.

The bright side is that, if the past several days are anything to go by, I’ve at least cured the corruption of a tenth of the number of beings necessary for the achievement.

Although it’s rather hard to keep track, so I might be wrong about that.

I briefly glance up when I find the zombies I sent flying finally returning to view of a normal person’s vision. And without hesitation, I move straight to the other side of the frozen wasteland to avoid the rain of zombies that end up splattering into piles of gore on the ground.

Then I continue walking through the frozen wasteland with my armor back on, it having been taken off to let the zombies actually reach my skin, leaving me in just normal clothes.

Good thing the zombies only cared about attacking the open wounds I made, otherwise my clothes might’ve been damaged.

I look up again when I see Tar leisurely floating back down towards me.

“Welcome back,” I tell him, not upset anymore.

He just huffs.

I glance at my terminal as I search the surroundings with my ears for more non-sapient undead, only to pause for a second.

There’s no reason to look for non-sapient undead if all I need is for each one to infect me once and nothing more. Any undead will work for that.

So I just begin heading towards the closest group of undead, which isn’t much of a challenge considering how the Arctic is practically full of the things. Filled to the brim.

Undead are like that after all. They multiply and generally win through quantity over quality with vast amounts in each horde.

A fact that makes finding corruption to cure rather easy. Or at least, a lot easier than it would be otherwise.

Just have to go from horde to horde letting each undead in the hordes infect me.

Only problem is that the sapient undead tend to run at the sight of me. Which is rather rude.

But even that’s fixable simply by using Princess’s Decree. A rather handy skill that lets me order them to infect me.

“I’m pretty sure that wasn’t what the Demon King had in mind when he etched the Demon King’s Rule skill…” Tar comments, pointing out the Demon King’s likely thoughts on the matter.


Anyways, I do wonder when I’ll be able to talk to Gramps next. He’s been absolutely against me heading to Tartarus ever since the whole void invasion thing, and since he’s busy doing something right now – he wouldn’t say what – he won’t even accept calls.

Which is very unlike him.

“He’s the strongest being in the universe, so he’ll be fine,” Tar says, reassuring me. “The Voided Overlord still can’t cross into the universe yet and won’t be able to for nearly a century, so there’s nothing to worry about right now.”

Yeah, guess you’re right.

I continue walking for a little while before reaching a rather large glacier. One that I sense quite a few undead just hanging out inside.

Time to get infected some more.

I swear, my days have become rather boring lately.

“And whose fault is that?” Tar comments, making me glance at him for a second before facing forwards again.

Yours for telling me the requirements of the achievement.

He doesn’t respond.

I smirk.

Anyways, undead ahoy.
