
I wake up with a start, finding my eyes opening to the sight of a stark white ceiling above me. And at this point I’m starting to wonder if this is becoming a nasty habit. Just waking up in a bed after going unconscious.

“It is becoming a nasty habit, and you should stop it,” Tar suggests, making me look down to find him lying on my chest. Which I’m not sure is somewhere he should be right now considering I was a patient lying on a bed.

Then again, I feel perfectly fine right now. So he probably only lied down on me after I was healed.

“Yeah,” he answers my thoughts, making me smile for a second before I pat him on the head.

I sit up and glance down at what I’m wearing. Which is the same thing I was wearing under my armor before. A shirt and shorts with a jacket.

Guess no one changed me. That’s good.


Then again, they could just have someone using some sort of cleaning skill on me and I wouldn’t need to change or anything like that.

No idea how long I’ve been out though.

Looking around, I seem to be in some sort of medical wing of a military base. Considering the sleeping soldiers.

I get out of bed while activating my armor, making a swirl of blood cover me for a moment before it appears on me as usual. Then I transform into blood and leave the room without letting anyone know that I even woke up.

“You aren’t going to tell anyone you’re awake?” Tar asks, sounding curious.

No, best that I don’t. Not before checking my notifications and messages.


After all, there’s a decent chance I got a Universal Notification or something, and I want to know about it before talking to anyone.

“Well you did get a Universal Notification, but I’ll just let you check it out for yourself,” Tar says, confirming my thoughts.

Time to see what’s up.

{Level 1089 Nightshade defeated. An enormous EXP bonus is awarded for killing a creature over one hundred levels above your level. A massive EXP bonus is awarded for killing a creature above your Class.}

{One thousand Skill Points are awarded for killing a creature of Class V while at Class IV without help.}

{Five hundred Skill Points are awarded for burning several times the amount of life energy you have for the use of a single skill.}


{Three hundred Skill Points are awarded for controlling over five thousand times your own body-weight in blood all at once.}

{One hundred Skill Points are awarded for spreading hundreds of different plagues to a single being all at once.}

{Fifty Skill Points are awarded for controlling several different types of blood all at once.}

{Two Skill Points are awarded for killing a Class V.}

{Congrats, you have leveled up to level 987. Five Free Points have been awarded to you and your stats have been updated.}

{Congrats, you have leveled up to level 1000. Five Free Points have been awarded to you and your stats have been updated.}

{Congrats, you have leveled up to- Level up canceled due to you being at the cap of Class IV. Please ascend to Class V. To do so you must find and absorb five Class IV catalysts, have ten skills at their max level, have at least three legendary skills, have at the minimum Predator III, and have almost died at least once.}

{Rare epic inherent skill ‘Beast Transformation’ will now evolve into the legendary rarity inherent skill ‘Beast Transformation’ while retaining any previous effects. There is no cost in levels due to the skill being static.}

[Skill ‘Blood of Ruin’ has leveled up to level 26.]

[Skill ‘Blood of Ruin’ has leveled up to level 30.]

[Skill ‘Null Magic Field’ has leveled up to level 28.]

[Skill ‘Null Magic Field’ has leveled up to level 30.]

[Skill ‘Blood Nullification’ has leveled up to level 20.]

[Skill ‘Blood Nullification’ has leveled up to level 26.]

[Skill ‘Rain of Blood’ has leveled up to level 18.]

[Skill ‘Rain of Blood’ has leveled up to level 24.]

[Skill ‘Blood Transformation’ has leveled up to level 11.]

[Skill ‘Blood Transformation’ has leveled up to level 18.]

[Skill ‘Blood Manipulation’ has leveled up to level 11.]

[Skill ‘Blood Manipulation’ has leveled up to level 26.]

And the skill level-ups just keep on coming, making my jaw drop at the sight of a large majority of my remaining inherent and achievement-locked skills reaching the max level. Then my eyes narrow on the notifications that follow, deciding to put off considering the requirements to ascend till after I read them.

Warning! This is a universal notification!

Scarlet Art Asger de Archeron has become the very first being in the universe to defeat a Class V being while at Class IV.

May their achievement ring out throughout the known universe!
