
All around the world, every single tv screen, promotional billboard, and any other kind of video screen changes from whatever they were previously showing to instead show live footage from within Purple’s Tower. And standing at the center of the tower is the White Knight of Humanity, causing every human on Earth near a screen to pause in whatever they were doing.

“Greetings, citizens of the Republic, as you all know, I am the White Knight of Humanity, Amelia Asger, and I have an important message for you today,” White declares, drawing silence from all around the world. “Your Princess of Humanity, my daughter, Scarlet Art Asger de Archeron, has been put into a coma and it is uncertain when she will wake up.”

The silence draws on for a single second before chaos erupts all around the world. Shouts echoing throughout the streets, people in their rooms falling into a silent stupor from shock, and other people dropping whatever they were holding at the dramatic change that had just underwent the entire Republic at this news.

Then the screen changes to show a recording of the Apex Predator’s sleeping face as she lies down on a king-sized canopy bed, unmoving except for an occasional shift of discomfort with pain visible on her face. And the sight of this screen immediately silences the shouting in the streets.

Meanwhile the other Knights of Humanity and various notable and important people from the Republic share very different reactions.

The Bloody Valkyrie grimaces, clenching her fists at the sight of the one girl on Earth who she believed to be her equal lying in a coma.


Golden Rider frowns, disliking the idea of a girl only twenty years of age fighting in the war and being the focal point of both sides, not believing someone that young should hold a responsibility so great. That they shouldn’t have to. And now feeling like his thoughts were confirmed in that regard.

Jacob R. Ashton, the Chairman of the Republic’s Government, frowns as he takes in the implications of this, only briefly noting the extravagant surroundings of the bed and the faint signs that the recording was taken not by human technology but by magic. Because he knows that this could either make or break moral amongst the humans. Something he knows White doesn’t particularly care about and is only doing this to help Scarlet, even if she knows of the consequences of her actions.

And Isaac Knight just turns away from the tv screen, refocusing on his book again without any care for what he had just seen beyond a mild disappointment.

“But know this, she is fighting,” White’s voice continues to echo through the entire world. “And she will come back to us! Much stronger than before, if her past is anything to go by!”

These words start another wave throughout the world. But unlike the first wave, this one consists mostly of people asking what happened, whether she’ll be alright, and how it happened.

White answers everyone almost immediately, “The Princess got injured while she was fighting with a Noble demon all on her own, with no way to receive support until it was already too late. But before that, she managed to hold her own against a Noble almost at the Count rank until then, fighting against the demon with all her heart and her own life on the line!”


Whispers start to spread through the people from those feeling awed at an achievement like that. And the ones who were questioning the idea of the Apex Predator growing stronger from this realized that she truly will with achievements like that.

If she wakes up.

It doesn’t take long before forum threads, chat groups, livestreams, and even news begin to discuss the incident with abandon, wishing Scarlet luck and giving her all their hope.

Hope that the Princess of Humanity will wake up soon and save the humans.

Purple’s Tower

Amelia lets out a sigh of relief after seeing the reactions of the people and ending the livestream. Then she turns to Purple and nods her head, getting a brief nod back before the woman returns to her place of mediation at the center of her tower.


Good thing Purple doesn’t seem to mind me unlike the other Knights, even if she doesn’t like some of my actions. Otherwise I wouldn’t have been able to get her to help me do that.

The White Knight turns around and vanishes before reappearing next to the Gate in the Arctic, where she then gets permission to pass through once more, draining the Gate significantly in the process. Not that Amelia particularly cares.

She soon finds herself back in Scarlet’s room within the Demon King’s castle – the only room she’s allowed to be in. And just seconds later, she hears the Demon King’s voice echoing in her head, “You will only be allowed to pass through the Gate back and forth once more after this. I will not let you run down the reality energy in the gate to let you fight on Earth. If you wish to stay with Scarlet, do so. But you will not be coming back more than one more time if you leave Tartarus again.”

Amelia grimaces at that and nods her head, quickly deciding that she’ll stay for a week, and if Scarlet doesn’t wake up by then, she’ll leave and return to the war. Then she’ll come back half a year later to check on her all while getting updates from Leonidas on her condition.

She turns to the head maid standing in the corner of the room and says, “The magical camera was appreciated.”

The maid nods her head, seemingly deciding not to speak to Amelia or correct her on the correct term for the magical item.

Amelia focuses on her daughter again, finding Allen, Cynthia, Arthur, and Belle still at her side. Meanwhile the girl herself is still shifting with obvious pain and discomfort.

Wake up soon, okay sweetheart?
