
To my surprise, Allen stays completely silent throughout my entire explanation of what had happened. And all he ends up saying is, “Okay.”

But I don’t complain.

A few seconds pass in silence, making me feel slightly awkward as he just stares at me. But then he turns his gaze to the side at the same time as me as we both see a flash of white light shining from a couple meters away. Then Amelia appears with a frown on her face.


“Is it safe to assume that you’ll deal with it, Lady White?” Allen asks with a frown on his face. And Amelia just nods her head and vanishes again.

“So when exactly did you call Amelia?” I can’t help but ask.


He directly meets my gaze and answers rather plainly, “The moment you said the word ‘stalkers.’”

That answer has me pausing for a second before I try to remember our conversation as a whole. Then I realize that ‘stalkers’ was one of the first things I said when arriving.

Meaning he called her almost immediately after we began talking.

“I doubt I have to ask, but what exactly is she doing?” I ask, getting up from the corner of the desk and moving over to one of the sofas.

Allen looks back down at his paperwork again as he answers, “She’s going to Sage to find the people involved before she deals with them in her own way.”

“What’s her own way?” I ask before tilting my head slightly towards him while lounging back on the sofa. “Erase everyone involved?”


He looks up again and says, “Yes. She will find the first one located by Sage or whoever else she might have searching before digging into their memories and finding all of the others involved as well.”

Yep. Just as I thought.

“Well, putting that aside for the moment,” I comment, deciding to leave the massacre of assassins and probably some mercenaries as well to Amelia, “about those changelings?”

Allen pulls up his terminal and begins typing away in it as he says, “Give me a second.”

Then after a few minutes of him typing, he puts it back down again and says, “A teleporter is on their way here. They’ll send you to the supply storage for the war located in the capital.”

“Alright,” I respond with a nod of my head.


That’s good. We can’t have changelings going around messing with our supplies after all. That would severely damage the war effort.

I blink at that thought.

Probably severely damage the war effort.

Okay, yeah, it would damage the war effort, but not too badly. Not unless they get their hands on the potions. Because the food and supplies aren’t really as necessary for high Class Guardians as they would be for regular people. But potions are very much necessary.

Although I feel like it’s a little… ironic? Yeah, guess that word fits. It’s a little ironic for me to say that when I’ve only ever used a potion twice in my entire life. And those times weren’t even me using it. It was someone else forcing me to drink it.

Then again, regeneration is my specialty. And Gramps is probably one of the best healers in existence. If not the best.

Who else can bring people back from the dead, after all?

I’m pretty sure there isn’t anyone else that can do that. But then again, there aren’t any healers at that high a level, so it makes sense that no one else could.

I lean back in the sofa as we both wait for the teleporter to arrive. And after several minutes pass, making me wonder just how long the teleporter is gonna take, Allen suddenly speaks up, “So, Scarlet…”

“What’s up?” I ask, rotating my head slightly to look at him while still lounging on the sofa. But for some reason I find the guy looking slightly nervous and hesitant.

“Have you seen the latest gossip online?” he eventually asks, making me frown.

“What gossip?” I ask before adding, “I’ve been avoiding looking at the internet.”

And now he looks awkward on top of his nerves and hesitation.

Just what is he trying to bring up? Is the gossip about my species? Gramps? Leonidas? Amelia?

“Well, some people are beginning to wonder if you and Blaze are in a relationship…” he mutters, making my eyes narrow as I realize that he seems to be looking for confirmation on that fact himself.

“Seriously?” I mutter with more than a little exasperation. “Why the hell would I enter a relationship with anyone? There’s no point, I don’t have the time, and I don’t have the interest either.”

To both my amusement and annoyance, Allen lets out a sigh of relief at my answer and mutters, “Thank the moon…”

I snort at him and return my attention to the ceiling.

I’m not sure why so many people are so attached to the idea of relationships. I’ve always had trouble developing attachments with others, much less caring for those attachments. And a relationship would only distract me even if I could develop the attachment into anything even vaguely resembling one.

It would be a waste of time that could be spent doing something productive. Like leveling up and training my skills.

Or fighting in the war.

Which is basically the same thing, but still.

Although I do feel a little bad for Blake. Just a little.

My eyes narrow as a thought comes to mind.

I haven’t played Hunter XI in a long time… wonder if I should get back on that again soon? Been spending almost all of my time fighting on the frontlines recently and haven’t been able to spare the time to play games.

But there’s still the war… should I really take a break to play video games while the war is raging on?

“I’m pretty sure the people would want you to take a break by now,” Tar mutters, apparently having returned at some point. “Did you know that some people online are calling you the workaholic wolf? Just because you never seem to take a break.”

I blink at that.

Seriously? And since when did you get on the internet?

He doesn’t answer.


He still doesn’t say anything.

You forgot to eat your tail by the way.

“I got on the internet a couple time through your terminal while you were asleep…” Tar mutters, making me raise a brow. But I don’t say anything.

Instead I wait.

“I was curious about what the people were saying about you, and also wanted to find which Guardians my siblings might be contracted to…” he gives in and explains.

Hmm, did you figure it out?

“Yeah,” he answers right away, but before he can say more, the door to the office opens and the man whom I’m guessing is the teleporter walks in.

Let’s leave that for later.

“Okay,” Tar says, sounding relieved for some reason.

You still need to eat your tail though.

His presence vanishes from my mind.

I just smirk at that.
