
I quickly begin tearing apart the demons down in the battlefield, not wasting a single second as I have every last one of my skills going full blast. And right away, hundreds of demons begin to die a second, most of whom are Class IIs and IIIs. But despite being the same Class as me, some of them are Class IVs, proving just how powerful my quadrupedal beast form is.

And all throughout this, I continue spreading my plagues throughout the entire demon army through both Blood Plague and Blood Rain. Plagues that begin to net me some credit for almost every single demon death in the battlefield, even if it’s only a bare minimum amount of credit.

My rampage continues on for who knows how long, and at multiple points I begin to lose myself in the slaughter. But every single time it happens, Tar manages to quickly shake me out of it. At which point I just continue my hunt, making absolutely sure that I don’t kill any humans on accident.

Because that would reverse all of the goodwill I’ve garnered from the humans over the past day.

From time to time I get System Messages mentioning me killing ten thousand demons, but I ignore them to continue my hunt. Just like I’m ignoring all the thousands of attacks I’m receiving, most of which are healing in an instant.

What I don’t ignore though is when I feel my regeneration increase in speed, meaning Blood Regeneration just leveled up. Not that I’m going to check my System Messages to make sure.


I don’t have the time for that.

The slaughter continues for who knows how long, the vast majority of the demons I’ve been killing being non-sapient ones, but every time I do find sapient demons they try to take me on with looks of awe in their eyes. And even as they’re dying by my own claws, the awe never fades.

Which I guess I should take as a compliment?

My thoughts slow to a halt when I finally focus on my hearing and the words being chanted from the human mages on the cliffs bombarding the demons.

“Princess of Humanity!” “Princess of Humanity!” “Princess of Humanity!”

I stop moving through the many demons around me with a random demon hound half crushed beneath one of my paws as I stare up at the humans with a look of bewilderment on my face.


Okay, I know I was garnering goodwill from them, and that a few humans started calling me that on the internet and even in the base, but… seriously?

“You do remember the prophecy Purple told while you were on Tartarus, right?” Tar suddenly says from the in-between. “The Princess of both worlds.”

Right. I guess this was kind of prophesized to happen.

“I think this was a bit of a self-fulfilling prophecy,” Tar comments as I resume my hunt, feeling very happy about being able to actually hunt freely in my beast form and use my blood lycan skills out in the open. “After all, Purple indirectly called you the Princess of Humanity, so it only makes sense that it would catch on to the people.”

Yeah, looks like it.

After several more minutes of hunting go by, I jump straight up to the cliff before looking back down at the battlefield. At the carnage I have wrought in my wake.


The entire battlefield at this point is covered in blood, and I can smell the scent of my plagues all over it, with clear signs of it being all across the battlefield. And the Class I demons out there can’t even handle my plagues themselves and are keeling over dead without even being attacked. Meanwhile the Class IIs are almost reaching that point as well, leaving only the Class IIIs and above able to fight still.

Meanwhile the humans are only picking up the pace, which is actually making the demons begin moving backwards, letting the humans gain ground for the first time since the start of the war.

And I’m still only a Class IV. Makes me wonder just how much damage I can do at Class V.

“Considering how most people your level only have a few legendary skills at most and you have ten legendary skills and a Title-Bearing Mythic, I’m pretty sure you might be the only person who could possibly stand up to a Noble while still at level 1000,” Tar says, sounding completely honest and flabbergasted because of it.

Oh, right. Apex Predator is more than just a Title.

“You…” Tar says, sounding shocked, only to blow out a breath and mutter, “nevermind.”

So I forgot it had a skill attached to it. I was a little busy dealing with the fallout of the Universal Notification to think about it much.

Now that I am though, it certainly explains why I’m able to tear through everything down there like paper. Even the demons at higher levels than me out of the Class IVs. Which are netting me quite a lot of EXP, if I had to guess without opening my System Messages.

Not enough to bring me to Class V within the next week though, simply because there aren’t enough Class IVs here to do that, and the Class IIIs and below aren’t giving me any EXP outside of the tenths of a level that I’m getting from slaughtering enough of them.

“If someone else heard you thinking that I’m pretty sure they’d pop a blood vessel,” Tar mutters, but I just shrug his comment off.

Their loss.

Anyways, where can I find some better prey… from what I can tell, this battlefield only has about a third to half of the demon’s Class IVs in it. And the Nobles are finally starting to eye me up as if they were just waiting for me to get back out there and continue hunting them on the battlefield.

So in that case…

I grin.

…how about I go back to hunting battalions instead?

They won’t be expecting that.
