The Main Square of the Capital City of the Terran Republic

“Breaking news!” A news reporter’s voice echoes from the massive screen showing front and center on top of the massive building at the back center of the Main Square. “The Apex Predator, Princess of the Demons and the daughter of the White Knight of Humanity Scarlet Art Asger de Archeron has come to an agreement with the Demon King! If humanity is able to push the demons back to Demon Isle and keep the rest of the demons in the Arctic by the time the void creatures attack Earth, the Demon King will cease all hostilities and retreat back to Tartarus for good! And the demons have been limited in how many Nobles they can bring to Earth each year to just eight Nobles!”

Meanwhile various other screens showing similar scenes repeatedly play throughout the city and all other cities of the Republic.

“She… really did that?” “I guess she really is on our side.” “We have a Princess!!!” “All hail the Apex Predator!” “She’s done it! Now we just need to fight!”

All throughout the city, cries of joy can be heard from the people. Both those who know the Apex Predator on a personal level, and those who don’t. Those who have fought against her, and those who have lost to her.

And on top of the City Hall of the Capital City, the White Knight of Humanity can be seen with her legs dangling over the edge of the roof talking into a small, red rock.

“Looks like everything’s worked out as planned,” she says, more than a little relief in her voice. Then a male voice belonging to the Blood Calamity comes through the stone, “That’s good. Now she won’t be ostracized by the humans.”


Amelia looks out over the celebrating city with a smile on her face without saying a word for several comfortable minutes.

“It’s going to be tough on you these next few years, you know that, right?” Leonidas asks, a hint of worry in his voice.

His mate smiles even wider and asks in a slightly teasing tone of voice, “Oh, you worried about me?”

“Of course I am,” Leonidas bluntly answers, making the slightest hint of a blush appear on Amelia’s face.

But she just smiles even wider as she lies back down, facing up at the moon hanging high in the sky as she quietly says into the stone, “I’ll be fine. Scarlet can finally live a happy life without having any secrets to hide. She won’t have any burdens lying on her that someone might hate her if they knew about. She’s free to do what she wants.”

“And if she eventually chooses to not fight the void creatures?” Leonidas asks out of mere curiosity.


“You know she won’t choose that,” Amelia said with a chuckle. “It’s just in her blood to fight.” She glances at the stone. “And I blame you for that, by the way.”

“It’s just as much your fault as it is mine, oh great White Knight of Humanity,” Leonidas says with a snort before growing serious again, “But seriously. What if she doesn’t become strong enough to take on the Voided Overlord?”

Amelia sighs at that and stares up at the sky again as she answers, “I’ll support her in whatever decisions she makes. If she chooses to abandon humanity in the future to run away from the void creatures, I will stay with her the whole way.” She smiles a sad smile. “I will never abandon her again, no matter what.”

Her mate goes silent for a few seconds before saying, “Likewise, my dear heart. Never again.”

Both of them stay silent, simply listening to the seemingly endless cheers of the humans all around the capital, along with the news still playing out from the various news stations broadcasting on the sides of buildings. Meanwhile various flying cars all fly past Amelia’s spot on the roof, but none of them notice her thanks to her Sense Nullification.

Amelia knows that there will still be a rare minority that will still irrationally hate Scarlet. But that’s for Amelia to handle, not a problem for Scarlet.


The silence continues for several minutes.

“Is it really almost time though?” Amelia eventually asks, a sad look on her face.

“It is,” Leonidas answers immediately. “According to the prophecy, the void spawn will be breaking through into the in-between any day now, and then they’ll move onto the other side of the universe to begin their assault under the Voided Overlord’s command.”

Amelia lets out a sigh at that and mutters, “It’s always something… but the void spawn won’t make it here for another several decades, right?”

“You already know this,” Leonidas says quietly.

She sighs again and nods her head, wishing that she didn’t.

“I don’t know why we call it a prophecy,” Amelia mutters. “It’s not like it was told in some poetic gibberish or anything.”

“Even if the prophecy was shown as a recorded vision, it’s still a prophecy,” Leonidas says, sounding like he doesn’t believe what he’s saying himself. “The witches said so after all.”

Amelia snorts at that and glances at the stone as she comments, “The witches that had a tenth of their number exterminated by a certain angry grandpa?”

Silence fills the roof for a few seconds before Leonidas says, “They deserved that.”

Amelia snorts again in amusement while shaking her head.

“It may also have been a bit more than a tenth…” Leonidas’s muttered voice comes through the stone, making Amelia break out into laughter before she wipes a tear. And after laughing for nearly an entire minute, she finally calms down and says, “I don’t think I’ve laughed that much since before Scarlet was born…”

“Best get used to it,” Leonidas says, a happy note to his voice. “You’ll be laughing a lot more from now on.”

“I hope so,” Amelia says, her voice sounding small as she looks up at the stars and the moon in the night sky. “I hope so…”

The two fall into a happy silence once more, just letting the air between them be filled up with the cheers of the humans down below and the voices of the many news reporters echoing from the various large screens on the sides of the buildings. And after a while, Amelia’s eyes begin to close and she falls asleep with a smile on her face despite the hatred being directed towards her by many of the humans on Earth right now.

“Sleep well, my heart,” Leonidas’s voice echoes around the roof.
