
“You are going to be the death of me one of these days, you hear that?” Allen complains as soon as the call connects, making me blink in surprise before tilting my head slightly in confusion. “And to make matters worse? You don’t even know why…” Allen trails off only to shake his head and mutter, “Oh, whatever. I’m glad you’re safe and that things turned out well.”

I frown for a second, unsure of what he was gonna scold me over, only to shrug myself and smile as I say, “Same.”

“Is it safe to say you saw White’s livestream?” Allen asks, and I nod my head. “I was pretty surprised by that, not gonna lie. But I knew she cared about you, so probably not as surprised as you were.”

I hum in response, not really sure what to say to that as I lie down in my bed back at my suite in the base with my terminal being displayed on a large screen on the ceiling above the bed.

Amelia has always, from what I’ve seen since meeting her, cared about me in her own strange way. She tends to make decisions on her own without talking to others, and often ends up regretting those decisions in the future. At least, as far as I’m concerned.

But she also takes responsibility for the decisions, so she means well.


“It was a shock,” I eventually say before closing my eyes.

“I bet it was,” I hear Belle’s voice coming from the other side of the call, making me open my eyes again for a moment to see her poking her head over her father’s shoulder and pushing his head out of the way, to his irritation. “How’re things going miss Apex Predator?”

“Better than I expected,” I answer honestly. “Far better than I expected.”

“When are you planning on going to meet with Satan?” she asks, only to start fussing when Allen pushes her away and instead seemingly switches the call over to a TV so they can both be in the screen.

I raise a brow at their antics before closing my eyes again and answering, “I’ll be going first thing tomorrow morning and meeting up with Red to head to Demon Isle, where we’re going to be speaking with my grandfather through a skill of one of his subordinates. Since Gramps can’t actually come here personally.”

Silence follows for a few seconds, so I open my eyes to find the two of them looking slightly surprised for some reason.


“You call the Demon King…” Allen begins, following which Belle finishes while covering her mouth, “Gramps?”

Then the two start laughing, making me feel a slight blush reach my cheeks. Something I will never admit happened.

I turn my head, lying on my cheek instead to look away as I mutter, “So what if I do?”

They just laugh even harder. Which has my blush growing a deeper shade of red.

“Idiots,” I mutter quietly to myself, not that it stops them from hearing and laughing even harder.

But despite the situation, I can’t help but smile a little as well. Since I haven’t been able to talk with them much since coming back to Earth. Even if that’s my own fault for focusing on hunting over spending time with them. Much to Belle’s chagrin.


The main problem though is that I just don’t have the time. Not when I need to be strong enough to deal with the void creatures.

And while Apex Predator’s +100% stats will come in extremely useful in the future, stats are not the main source of power for a person. Skills are. Both skill levels, high rarity skills, and a variety of skills.

Not to mention that Class V gives vastly different stats out per level than the Classes prior to it give. Gramps actually mentioned that blood lycans get 5 points in Physical, 4 in Mental, and 5 in Magical, along with 10 free points per level, unlike right now where I only get 2 in Physical, 1 in Mental, 2 in Magical, and 5 free points per level.

A rather large jump.

And that’s not even considering how the multipliers for a Class V are over twice the multipliers for a Class IV, making them over twice as strong even at just a single level above a Class IV.

All because Class Vs have their body and their reality fully merged into one unlike Class IVs who only have them partially merged, and any Class below that who doesn’t have them merged at all.

I honestly can’t wait to reach Class V for no other reason than the massive difference in power it gives.

“It might not be as far as many would suspect,” Tar comments, making me smile even more.

Yeah. As long as I continue hunting demons on the battlefield.

“Someone looks happy,” Allen says, making me turn back over to face the ceiling as I smother my smile rather quickly. Too quickly, apparently. “Too late for that.”

I roll my eyes.

“How’s the university been anyways?” I ask Belle, feeling rather curious about it. Because despite her fighting on the frontlines as well, she’s still attending university. Something I kinda just stopped doing due to my lack of time.

Belle smiles at that and answers, “Boring.”

I chuckle at that blunt answer.

“I mean it!” she exclaims while swinging her hands out wide, barely missing her father who ducks under it before glaring at her. But she just ignores him while continuing, “The university is just teaching us battle tactics and strategies now! It isn’t what a university is supposed to be! We’re supposed to be having fun and enjoying college, not training and learning battle tactics every day all day long!”

“Excuse me,” Allen interjects with a frown as he crosses his arms and says, “you’re the one who asked to go there. And you’re also the one who wanted to go to the frontlines, which is probably what’s eating up your free time!”

Belle opens her mouth for a second before casually looking at me and smiling. “Ah, it’s getting late. You should head to bed, Scarlet. I’m sure you’re tired.”

Allen narrows his eyes at her, but Belle quickly reaches over to his arm and hangs up the call, leaving me smirking at the ceiling with more than a little amusement on my face.

Several seconds pass in silence as I stare before I eventually yawn and slowly begin to close my eyes.

Maybe I should go to sleep… even if I don’t biologically need it anymore, it does still help with stress.

And… a lot has happened over the past day.
