An Office within the Governmental Building at the Center of the Capital City Right after the Universal Notification

Jacob R. Ashton stares blankly at the livestream feeling unsure of how he should be right now. Because he knew White had been hiding something, but the government official who had overseen Scarlet’s registration as a Guardian still trusted her absolutely and didn’t think whatever she was hiding would be this… severe.

But now, as he watches the livestream, he can’t help but wonder…

Was this all planned? Did she have Scarlet with the Blood Calamity just to bring the worlds together? Or does she truly love the blood lycan Demon Lord?

Jacob continues staring at the livestream until White finally steps forward and begins speaking.

“Hello people of the Terran Republic, my name is Amelia Asger, but most of you may know me as the White Knight of Humanity. To start things off, I did in fact have a child with the Blood Calamity Demon Lord, and that child is the Guardian you all know as the Scarlet Wolf. What many of you might find hard to believe is that not all demons are bad. Most of them are simply following the orders of the Demon King, who wishes to take over Earth in order to clear the curses from the demon race. But after his granddaughter, my daughter, and the Princess of the Demons asked him to stop, he decided to ban his demon forces from attacking the civilians.” White clenches her fists. “My daughter did that. She has already saved millions of lives just from that act alone, and she has been saving countless more over her time as a Guardian both on and off the frontlines. So please…”

Jacob’s eyes widen in absolute shock when the White Knight of Humanity bows down before the camera and says, “Please lay any and all of your hatred towards me and leave her out of it. Please do not hate her for her demon blood. I beg of you.”


And Jacob’s shock doesn’t end there as the Black Knight of Humanity steps forward and joins her in bowing as he says, “All five of us Knights knew about this, so please lay your blame on me as well. The Scarlet Wolf deserves none of it. She had no choice in any of this and was left in fear ever since she found out she was part demon a little over a year ago. So please. Don’t hate her.”

Then the Purple Knight of Humanity simply nods her head, her eyes still closed when she says, “They speak the truth,” and nothing more.

“Yeeeeaaah,” the Red Knight of Humanity says while smiling with his arms crossed and moving up close to the livestream, “I personally want to fight the Scarlet Wolf when she reaches my level of strength, so don’t you dare go harassing the little fiend.”

Jacob feels a chill run down his spine at that declaration, but he’s too surprised by the sight that follows to care as the Blue Knight of Humanity slowly steps forwards and says, “Demon or not, the Scarlet Wolf is the only one who is capable of saving the Earth. Believe of her as you will, but know that when you make your decision.”

The Knights let nearly an entire minute pass in silence before the ones bowing finally raise their heads, and following that, White begins speaking again, “Now, I would like to explain the prophecy to you all to help you make a decision.”

They had this all prepared beforehand. It’s obvious. There’s no way they could’ve prepared this all within moments of the girl getting her Title. Absolutely no way. Which means they’ve been holding off, waiting for the girl to get exposed so that they can immediately flip public interest and promote their own plans.


Jacob smiles ever so slightly at the thought. That White hasn’t changed all these years.

Then he blinks and his smile grows wider.

No. She has changed. The White I know would never make a public speech and apology like that. And it must be because of her daughter. Just what type of girl can change her to this extreme? I wonder…

Jacob’s smile grows even more as White begins explaining the prophecy.

I think I might want to meet with Scarlet.

“You’re going to be meeting with her soon anyways,” his fae, Juliette, says with some amusement in her voice as the fox appears on his shoulder. “Not like you could avoid it, eh, head Chairman of the Governmental Council?”


Jacob chuckles at that but keeps watching the livestream, nonetheless.

Things are getting interesting again.

Allen’s Office

“How is it?” Allen asks with some trepidation as he watches White’s livestream while pacing back and forth in his office. Something he’s been doing ever since he saw the Universal Notification exposing his adopted daughter’s identity.

He suddenly pauses his pacing.

Wait, can we even legally adopt her now that she’s officially the Princess of the Demons, daughter of the White Knight of Humanity and the Blood Calamity Demon Lord, and the granddaughter of the Demon King?!

That thought has his nerves getting even worse, only for Belle to answer from her place seated on one of the sofas in his office, “It’s looking good so far.”

Allen lets out a short sigh of relief as he starts pacing again. But after only a few seconds, he gives in to his nerves and finally opens the livestream’s chat for the Knight’s broadcast.

[BlueSkyDreamer – Well, Scarlet has always been helping the people.]

[Firestorm23 – Right? And I’ve never seen her do anything bad. Is she really a demon?]

[AquaMarine – Well, she would have to be considering that she has the Royal name Archeron. But she isn’t a bad person. Not like White who hid this all from us and even her own daughter.]

Allen winces slightly at that last one. Something he no doubt believes is directed towards the beginning of the prophecy that White had begun to explain. The part about abandoning her daughter to leave her at an orphanage without telling her anything about her heritage or the prophecy.

“She’s doing a good job of redirecting any hate away from Scarlet, but does she have to redirect it all to herself…?” Belle asks, sounding a little sad but also happy that Scarlet is being accepted so far.

“I think she’s trying to do it as a way to repent for what she did to her own daughter,” Allen mutters while scratching the back of his head with his arm not attached to his terminal.

Allen continues reading more of the chat, finding it hard to keep up due to the millions of messages passing through it at a time, forcing him to delay the chat just to be able to read them.

[Thunderbolt87 – I think Scarlet is fine. There can’t be anything wrong with a cute girl with wolf ears!]

[StarryNight – Scarlet is a nice girl with a dark past. There’s no reason to hold her mother’s actions against the daughter.]

[MoonlitGarden – But what if she goes all demon on us and starts attacking people at random?]

[GoldenEagle99 – That’s not possible. The majority of the sapient demons are just as intelligent as a human, and Scarlet is a Pride demon. Her curse won’t make her lose control and attack people at random. The worst it might do is make her attack an enemy she was already attacking and losing against. Nothing more than that.]

[Celestial_9 – Wait, really? I thought all demons attacked indiscriminately…]

[StarryEyes123 – No, the only reason the demons in the Fractures and in the Demon Army are attacking us is because of the Demon King’s orders.]

[Maverick89 – The same Demon King that is the grandfather of the Scarlet Wolf? Are you sure we can trust her?]

[StarryEyes123 – She already convinced the Demon King to stop attacking civilians, so I say we trust her.]

Tears build up in Allen’s eyes as he continues reading the chat, even if a lot of it appears to target White rather harshly. But their plan seems to have worked.

He then looks to the East in the direction of the Eastern continent where Scarlet is before muttering, “Now it’s all up to you, sweetie.”
