
The fireball launches towards me right before I jump far backwards, leaving the blood orb where it is and making the fireball explode against it. But the explosion continues past it, heading straight towards me.

I grimace before using Blood Retribution the moment before the flames strike me, making me let out a scream of pain as I feel burns across my entire body. It’s not just me screaming though, as I hear the drake letting out a roar of pain once the flames dissipate, leaving me kneeling on the ground with black smoke rising from my charred body, my armor somehow having tanked the hit without much to show for it. Aside from some burn marks that aren’t very visible on the black and red armor.

I quickly check on my Blood Thirst stacks to find them all still in effect for another minute or so, making me let out a sigh of relief. Because the Blood Thirst stacks are currently raising my stats by about fifty percent, which in addition to Predator is probably the only reason I can still move right now as I struggle to my feet again.

My burned flesh begins to mend itself under my eyes thanks to Blood Regeneration, but it’s not as fast as it could be under the light of the blood moon. Life Drain and Sanguine Effect are helping though, since I’m still using Blood Boil and Blood Plague on it, and Blood Retribution and Bloody Thorns’ damage is also blood magic so they’re all making me drain more life energy with Sanguine Effect.

I finally focus on the creature again to find black steam rising from its body the same as the smoke is rising from mine.

And the creature doesn’t look happy. Not one bit.


My eyes narrow before I begin to slowly circle around as it does the same, albeit sluggishly thanks to the plague it currently has, not to mention its leg.

After circling each other enough to reach each other’s original positions, we both rush at each other again, it seemingly reacting to me rushing at it now that my wounds have healed enough. But right when I’m about to get within a meter of it, I use both Blood Chains and Blood Manifestation again to lock it in place while distracting it with more attacks, making it raise its head to look at them while swiping one of its wings at the blood weapons. Meanwhile I duck down under its other wing to charge straight for the same leg I was attacking before.

It doesn’t take the demon long to deal with my weapons and shatter the chains, but I manage to climb back onto it and stab my hand into its wound again during that time. And before it can knock me off, I pull my arm back and stab one last time while also burning more blood than I’ve ever burnt before, finally cutting straight through it and out the other end to the sound of the drake roaring in anger. Then I jump off of its leg while it goes limp, the thing barely hanging on by a few tendons around the large hole I made.

But my goal was achieved. The leg is now lying lifelessly on the ground as it drags it around, unable to make any use of it now but still having to lug it around and feel the pain of the wound.

I’m honestly a little surprised that the creature is feeling any pain at all though, seeing as it’s mummified.

Then again, it has real blood in it along with the cursed blood. So I guess it makes sense.


The drake lets out a loud roar of pain before suddenly flaring with black flames all over its body, making me jump backwards with my claws spread out, ready for any sudden moves. Only to find the creature suddenly going berserk and charging straight towards me while reaching its jaws over to clamp around its own wound and tearing its entire limb off in mere moments.

Holy shit.

It lets out an incredibly loud roar filled with pain but doesn’t stop charging.

I grit my teeth as I try to jump out of the way to no avail, only to activate Blood Retribution again, following which the thing slams into me with black flames licking all over its body spreading over to mine. Then everything goes dark for a moment until I come to again what must only be moments later while feeling pain all over as I lie next to a wall.

The pain flares when I try to get up, making me immediately drop down again. So I turn my head to look at the drake, finding it standing in place several meters away from me while roaring, its head lifted up into the air with black mist wafting off of its body to form a bloody black steam at the top of the chamber. And as this happens, I feel life energy entering my body at a rather rapid pace. But not rapid enough to heal my wounds just yet.

I try to get up again, only to groan as the pain pushes past my Pain Diffusion and my body simply refuses to move, making me look down to find that all of my skin is completely gone around my right arm, shoulder, and right leg. Meanwhile the bones in my right leg are a complete mess, with several of them in my ribs sticking out through my skin and armor, albeit only barely. And I notice that the bones sticking out are very slowly moving back in. Fast enough that it’s visible, but not fast enough for it to happen any time soon.


Shit. This isn’t good.

One of the sources of life energy cuts off, bringing my attention back to the drake as its roar tapers off along with the bloody mist it’s releasing. The creature then slowly lowers its hate-filled eyes to me before snorting a puff of black flame through its nose.

Very much not good.
