
“Yes, Your Highness?” the guard appears in an instant as I continue sitting on the tree stump, letting my mana regenerate. Which it’s doing at a pretty fast pace thanks to my Blood Regeneration skill.

“I would like to set a minimum level of demon that you would be allowed to protect me if I need it in the fight,” I state, being as blunt as possible, surprising her only a little bit. Although my next words have a much bigger affect. “The lowest level demon you can help me against is level 300.”

She immediately shakes her head as the other guards appear, looking worried.

“No, we can’t let you face something about a hundred levels above yourself,” she says, still shaking her head, and the others obviously agree. “Would you agree to lower it to level 275?”

I shake my head, “Level 300.”

Her frown grows slightly more worried as she suggests, “Level 280?”


“Level 300,” I repeat with absolutely no intentions to change it.

“285?” she continues, sounding slightly desperate now.

“Level, three hundred,” I state, pausing ever so slightly before the words ‘level’ and ‘three hundred’ this time.

Seraphina looks at the other guards with an expression clearly stating, ‘help me,’ so Vincent walks up and says, “Your Highness, don’t you think level 300 is-”

“Level 300,” I state, starting to smile a little bit at him without a hint of shame.

The guards all start visibly sweating at this point, wondering what they should do until Elizabeth, Vincent’s sister, kneels slightly and says, “Please, Your Highness. If something were to-”


“Level 300,” I repeat, full on smiling this time.

They all sigh before giving up as Seraphina mutters, “Yes, Your Highness.”

My smile grows wider.

Finally able to get my way in this new world. I was growing tired of having to listen to everyone and go along with their own plans. Even my hunt is being dictated by these bodyguards, so some freedom is very nice to see.

Also is nice to know that my words are actually respected.

“Alright, now that we’ve got that settled,” I state, making them stiffen up a little, “I’m gonna take a nap.”


They all gape at me in shock, but I ignore them as I lie down on the tree stump and close my eyes.

Might as well take a nap while I wait for my mana to refill. Nothing else to do after all.

Who knows how long later I finally finish hunting for the day before checking my last System Messages.

{Level 242 Cerberus defeated. A significant EXP bonus is awarded for killing a creature over thirty levels above your level.}

{Level 252 Cerberus defeated. A significant EXP bonus is awarded for killing a creature over thirty levels above your level.}

{Level 232 Scythloid defeated. A significant EXP bonus is awarded for killing a creature over twenty levels above your level.}

{Level 271 Scythloid defeated. A significant EXP bonus is awarded for killing a creature over fifty levels above your level.}

{Level 230 Wendigo defeated. A significant EXP bonus is awarded for killing a creature over ten levels above your level.}

{Level 249 Wendigo defeated. A significant EXP bonus is awarded for killing a creature over twenty-five levels above your level.}

{One Skill Point is awarded for killing a demon.} x29

{Congrats, you have leveled up to level 216. Three Free Points have been awarded to you and your stats have been updated.}

{Congrats, you have leveled up to level 231. Three Free Points have been awarded to you and your stats have been updated.}

[Skill ‘Blood of Ruin’ has leveled up to level 5.]

[Skill ‘Null Magic Field’ has leveled up to level 14.]

[Skill ‘Blood Pull’ has leveled up to level 16.]

[Skill ‘Pain Diffusion’ has leveled up to level 12.]

[Skill ‘Blood Regeneration’ has leveled up to level 14.]

Ya know, my furry tailed friend, I think I’m starting to understand a lot more deeply just why the demons are so much stronger than the humans. They have so much more prey here to fight, most of which aren’t even sapient.

Although I’m not sure if I can call those wendigos sapient, considering that they were speaking in grunts, growls, and screams most of the time and saying very little words as they tried to eat me.

“I don’t think your progress is anything to judge most demons by…” Tar says, sounding exasperated for some reason. “Seriously? You don’t even realize just how unlikely it is for most demons to go around hunting other demons who are at a higher Class than them? Much less in one of the Seven Clans’ hunting grounds?”

I open my mouth to retort, only to realize that he’s probably right. Most people don’t go around hunting things dozens of levels above them. Even if they have Predator.

Hmm. Then again, whatever works, works. And it works for me, so there’s no use not doing it.

I nod my head at that thought as I step out of the forest and reach the drawbridge, which is back to being raised. But the moment I step on the metal part of the bridge over the island, it begins to lower again. As if it detected my presence.

Which is convenient.

I never did end up finding a demon above level two hundred and seventy five though, but this agreement with them will hold even after this hunting trip. Not that it would matter because I think they’d be fine with me going after them now anyways.

After all, I’m a higher level now, and they just kind of watched me go on a massacre in the forest.

Just too bad they didn’t let me go into the other areas. Kept saying to leave the other areas for other days.

A pity, but oh well.

At this rate I will end up climbing levels at an incredibly fast pace. Far faster than I would’ve on Earth with the structured Fractures and the lack of demons to fight. Not to mention the other Guardians fighting the demons too and taking the EXP.

I stretch my arms up into the air with a light groan as I start walking across the bridge which is almost fully lowered by now.

At the rate I’m going I will be Class III by the time I return to Earth. Maybe even Class IV if it takes me too long.

Although even here Class IVs will be harder to find than those Class IIIs.

Either way, it was a good hunt.
