
The rest of the ball ends up being rather boring and repetitive. Fortunately, no one bothers to approach me to offer a dance because I decided to put my new bodyguards to use as a buffer. And they turned out to be an incredibly good buffer.

They literally growled at anyone who got near.

Not sure if that’s normal, but I’m not gonna question what worked.

“It’s… actually, I’m not sure if that’s normal either,” Tar comments, sounding genuinely confused as my bodyguards follow along around me as we make our way towards the room I woke up in. Specifically so I can change out of this dress.

Then maybe burn the corset.

“I’m pretty sure it’s made out of fireproof-” Tar begins, but I mentally shut him out as I continue walking, imagining burning the corset and heels as soon as I enter my room. Only for that lovely dream to crumble when I enter and realize there aren’t any clothes in my room.


“Uh, where are my clothes?” I ask one of the bodyguards, and she immediately answers, “As the palace did not have your sizes until earlier this morning, and no one dared measure you while you were asleep lest His Highness kill them-” I blink at that, but she just keeps talking as if she hadn’t said it “-the palace staff were unable to get magic clothes that fit you perfectly. However, I’m sure they will have a full wardrobe ready soon, Your Highness.”

Doesn’t that mean that this dress doesn’t fit me perfectly? And here I thought it was only uncomfortable because it was a dress.

Also, is she really just going to blow off that whole ‘lest His Highness kill them’ thing?

“Yes, that she is,” Tar says, sounding amused. “And in all honesty, I’m pretty sure he probably would have killed them if they suddenly went in and started groping you to figure out your sizes as you were unconscious in front of him.”

I open my mouth to retort, only to realize he’s probably right.

That’s a dark thought.


“Any chance we can go over to wherever they are and grab an outfit for me to change into?” I ask, hoping against hope that they say yes.

“Absolutely not,” the woman, Seraphina, says right away, startling me and crushing my hopes again, only for her to add, “one of us can go get them instead. There’s no need to bother yourself for a task such a this, Your Highness.”

I blink at that, but they don’t wait for me to say anything as the one named Juliette just gives me a quick bow and vanishes from her spot, following which I hear her speaking to someone on the other side of the castle. Then just seconds later she reappears with a folded array of clothing in her arms before she carefully steps forward and places it as gently as possible on the bed.


“I think you’re forgetting that you’re a Princess,” Tar says, sounding like he’s holding back a laugh.

Shut up.


“We’ll leave you to get changed, Your Highness,” Seraphina says as the five blood lycans all give me a brief bow before vanishing. I then hear them appear at various corners outside of my room keeping guard.

Then even that noise goes away, showing me just how strong they are.

“Yeah, you’re never gonna escape them,” Tar states again, making me shake my head as I walk up to the clothes, finding them to surprisingly include my jacket folded up on the bottom.

I smile at that.

The rest of the clothes look to be a medieval top that would likely be worn by a high born noble family from Earth, along with pants and undergarments. All seemingly made of silk.

Very soft silk.

I look down at my dress before frowning.


How do I get this thing off?

After both closing the curtains to make sure I have privacy and spending who knows how long trying to figure out how to take off the dress, I finally get it off and change into the outfit given to me, finishing it off with my jacket over the top. Which actually doesn’t look out of place despite the different cultures and eras in the clothing.

Then again, Seraphina did mention that they were making new clothes for me. So that’s probably on purpose.

Anyways, I walk over to the mirror to check out the new ensemble for a moment before nodding and walking to the bed.

Alrighty, now I can check out my Skills Store finally.

After lying down on my bed staring up at the canopy above me, I open the Skills Store to only show legendary skills again.

Skill Name:

Achievement Requirements:



SP Price:

Blood Plague

Unlocked by being Class II or above, by killing a demon one hundred or more levels above you with or without assistance over two hundred and fifty times half a year of being initiated into the System, by killing a being of higher Classes three or more times without any assistance within half a year of being initiated into the System, by having blood magic.

This skill allows the user to infect every being in sight that they choose to infect with one of three different viruses, each of which will spread through physical contact or contact with bodily fluids to anyone the user wishes it to spread to.



Gradual Corruption Nullification

Unlocked by being at least Class II, by surviving what would normally most people at your level ten times over, by surviving having over twenty-five percent of your body petrified, by surviving a powerful poison, by having manipulated your own blood in some way before, by surviving having a vital organ destroyed that would normally lead to death soon after destruction in some manner at least five times, and by- by- by- ERROR.

User does not have null magic.

Searching for alternatives… alternative found.

And by having null magic etched skills.

This skill allows the user to slowly nullify any sort of corruption in their body over the course of ten minutes.

The ten minutes does not have to go uninterrupted, however, the user may not use any other skills during this time.

Usage of this skill requires a steady stream of mana.



