
I let out a relaxed sigh as I lie back in the grandiose bath spanning as large as a damned swimming pool. Against my expectations, the maids actually did respect my privacy. Although I guess my thoughts on the matter were just tainted by the sight of royalty in tv shows, movies, and video games being bathed by attendants too much.

These maids actually gave me the option to let them take care of me or to let me do it myself. They even left the room so that I could get out of my clothes, telling me to place them somewhere in the changing room connected to the bath.

The only unpleasant part was them taking my measurements before they left. That and how when I told them in no uncertain terms that I wasn’t going to wear a dress, they simply apologized and said that the ‘Princess can’t be meeting His Majesty for the first time in travel clothes’ and that ‘ball attire requires women attending to wear either their armor or a formal dress,’ and since I don’t have any armor to wear until they get my new armor made, I can’t exactly wear that.

Which means I’m probably stuck wearing a dress for a little bit. Something I am not looking forward to.

Although I guess I could just refuse and put on the clothes I was already wearing before this. It’s not like there’s anything stopping me from doing that.

Yeah, guess I’ll just do that.


The maids are rather intimidating despite how respectful they are though. Just the very fact that they’re all Class V demons is terrifying in its own right. And not just them. Literally every servant in this entire castle is Class V. Hundreds of Class V demons all in this one building.

A being on par with some of the strongest humans on Earth is just a simple maid here in this castle. Certainly puts into place how different Tartarus and Earth are.

I stretch a little bit with a short groan before looking around again at the beautiful place. Throughout the room are various statues of wolves and blood lycans in their beast forms, both humanoid and otherwise. And everything is a beautiful shade of crimson on black. Meanwhile the water itself is the perfect temperature, and even feels like it’s massaging my body somehow. Probably due to magic.

There are also some small lights at the bottom of the bath just to illuminate it, each of which are crimson in color.

Overall the entire bath is a paradise to me. It even has complete soundproofing, and a small waterfall in one spot to give a bit of ambiance to it!

Out of nowhere, I hear a bell chime, following which I hear the voice of one of the maids say through the closed doors, “Your Highness, it’s time to get changed. His Majesty will be arriving on the hour.”


I hold myself back from groaning before getting up out of the water and briefly wondering how her voice is getting through the soundproofing on the door and walls. But then I realize that the soundproofing is gone. Which I guess means it can be turned on and off.

So I call back out, “Please wait outside the changing room so I can dress myself.”

A brief pause ensues before a slightly confused answer comes, “Very well, but the clothing may be difficult to put on yourself. Please let us at least help you put it on after you’ve put on your undergarments.”

I blink in surprise, only to decide that it’s probably the best concession I’ll get. And besides. If they’re gonna leave, I can just put on my underwear and my usual clothes as well while they’re out.

Surprisingly, the maids don’t give me the chance to respond as I hear them leaving the changing room. So I quickly go inside to find a beautiful black and red dress laid out on a counter in the back of the changing room, along with various other articles of clothing including undergarments. But I ignore them all to look around for my own clothing.

None of which I find.


Shit. Shit, shit, shit.

Why didn’t I consider that they’d take my clothes with them?!

I hurriedly look around the room, briefly wondering if I could somehow magically manifest clothes before eventually letting out a sigh and giving up.

Well, shit. Looks like I really don’t have a choice. Not unless I want to run around the palace naked, which is even worse than wearing a dress by a longshot.

So I walk over to it and put on the underwear. Then, as if magically knowing that I’d finished doing so, the maid knocks on the door and states, “We will now come in and help you into the dress, Your Highness.”

They wait a few moments, as if giving me time to mentally prepare myself or something before opening the door and walking in with more than just three maids this time.

I blink in surprise at the sight of five different maids, only to feel a little claustrophobic and uncomfortable in general when they get too close, some of them grabbing articles of the clothing. Not to mention my general discomfort with being in here with them in just my undergarments.

“Let’s begin, Your Highness,” she says, and out of the corner of my eye, I can’t help but notice a corset somewhere in the dress that has me wanting to be anywhere but here.

“Uh, are you sure there’s no way I couldn’t at least get an outfit with pants?” I ask, feeling a little shy and awkward being surrounded by five Noble demons in maid outfits while in my current attire. Noble demons who are all in their humanoid form, giving them only a few demon characteristics such as one of them who identifies as a vampire and simply has pale skin and sharp fangs. Or another who identifies as a draugr and has pitch black eyes with slightly pointed ears.

“I’m afraid not, Your Highness,” the same one who is always speaking says again, making me think of her as some sort of head maid or something. This being the vampire lady. “You may wear your new armor during any ball following this one after you get it, but the attire for Noble women during balls in the Noble Court are either dresses in the colors of your house, or magical armor worthy of your house’s name.”

“Oh…” I mutter, feeling a little depressed at the moment. Because I know there’s no way I could possibly escape considering the vast number of Class V demons in this palace. Oh, and the fact that it’s floating in the air.

I also know that they’re not going to give me anything else to wear, so if I don’t wear the dress, I’ll be stuck in this underwear. And I’m not gonna go around half naked.

“Then let’s begin,” the maid repeats her earlier statement, snapping her fingers and making the other maids begin rushing all around me.

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