The Blood Duchy

The Blood Lord stands at the edge of his room’s balcony inside of the Castle of Ruin, simply staring out over the edge of the floating island the castle is situated on at the vast ocean of blood beneath the duchy. The duchy itself is made up of hundreds of floating islands, each separated from one another with the only manner of transit between them being through flight, teleportation, or the single drawbridge connecting the major islands. And the Blood Lord has always felt pride over the duchy he has established personally.

But right now, all he can think about is his daughter.

Will she be brought here? Or will she stay with Amy…?

No matter how hard the man tried, he couldn’t get his mind off of this thought when he was trying to settle a dispute between Nobles. So he left the issue to his advisers instead and came here.

Not that it helped at all…

Leonidas frowns as he leans against the railing and looks out at the blood ocean, his eyes glancing at the occasional blood reaver that surfaces ever so slightly, just revealing the serrated edges that make up the fish’s back before it goes under the surface again.


Ever since Amelia took Scarlet away to Earth, Leonidas has been burying himself in his work, trying as hard as he could to not think about it. To not think about how his daughter could be in danger at any moment in time. Or about how Amelia had taken things into her own hands and forced the two to follow the prophecy to the letter.

He clenches his fist again, something he always does whenever he remembers that day. The day she had immobilized him with that damned reverse healing mythic skill of hers and forcefully taken Scarlet away.

Of course, he would never tell his father about any of this. Because all the man knows is that Leonidas sent his daughter to Earth without telling him why or even how. Not even where she was sent.

Leonidas shivers slightly as he considers what could happen if his father actually knew that Leonidas had no intention of bringing Scarlet to Earth and that it was actually Amelia who had done so.

He’d never let me or Scarlet see the woman again. Actually, he would probably kill her the moment he senses her ever stepping into Tartarus. Or at least lock her up, if only for Scarlet’s sake. Assuming she even cares. The only reason he didn’t kill her the moment he noticed her on Tartarus was because of me after all…

The Blood Lord shakes his head at the thought before leaning further over the railing and thinking of the current assault. With Satan and Damien both going on the attack at the same time as the Class V Fracture, something is going to break in the humans’ defense. And that’ll also make it a lot harder for anyone to keep Scarlet from Lyra.


He frowns as he thinks of the prophecy.

I wonder what’s so special about this Class V Fracture that the prophecy stated her solitary can safely be lifted now? Or is it just because she’s already learned to be independent by now?

“Leon, we have a visitor,” Elara suddenly says, her voice interrupting Leonidas’s thoughts.

Leonidas frowns at his contracted fae’s words before looking up and finding a tanuki suddenly appearing in the air. But before anything else, he notices the panic clear as day in the fae’s posture and face.

“What’s wrong?” he immediately asks, a small domain of blood appearing around him as he grows restless.

“It’s Scarlet! She’s been poisoned by an arachne and is unconscious in the middle of the demonic assault with no help anywhere nearby!” the tanuki shouts, clearly having lost his composure. Enough to surprise Elara, considering the emotions Leonidas can feel traversing their bond.


A cold glare appears on the Blood Lord’s face as he hears the fae prince’s words. One not directed at the fae prince himself, but at the Marchioness who appears to have failed so far in her job.

Leonidas closes his eyes before activating a skill that immediately connects him directly to the Marchioness’s mind, making her send shock and surprise through the bond as soon as it connects. Along with a lot of pain.

“Marchioness Sinclair, explain to me why my daughter is almost dead,” he growls at her, his anger growing by the second as more and more blood begins appearing around him, slowly turning into a small tempest of blood.

His anger is only abated a little bit when he feels her surprise going through the link to him as she exclaims, “She’s what?!” But she calms down just as quickly, realizing that she had just shouted at her Lord. “I apologize Blood Calamity. I will rectify this even if it means my life is forfeit!”

“You better,” Leonidas growls, sending more than a little of his anger through the link just to make sure she realizes how angry he is. “If she comes to any permanent harm, or even so much as gets a hair on her head touched by any of the demons in the Assault after this, both you and the Count will be burned alive from the inside out!”

He feels a wave of fear coming through his blood domination skill before she quickly says, “Of course, my Lord! I guarantee her-” the woman pauses with a shout of pain before groaning “-safety!”

Leonidas frowns for a moment before using his skill to take control of one of her eyes through the domination seed in her body and immediately finding that she’s struggling to fight the Blue Knight of Humanity.

That bastard again. I should’ve killed him when I had the chance.

“I’m taking control,” Leonidas states before fully activating his mythic skill Blood Domination to take full control of the Marchioness’s body, allowing him to use some of his skills with the body as a conduit.

He glances at his daughter’s fae with his body before telling him, “Go back to her. I will use my connection with you to find her.”

The fae nods his head and disappears again.

Time to see if I can deal with him quickly enough to go save her.

His real form grimaces.

If only those damned Gates had enough reality energy for me to pass through right now… this’ll have to do though.
