
Next time I decide to go to a ball of my own free will, make sure to tell me not to. Okay, Tar?

He just snorts in amusement before muttering a short ‘okay’ as I look past the hundreds of people, most of whom are wearing formal attire of fancy dresses or equally nice suits, at the stage where White is standing next to the vice headmaster.

I have a very bad feeling about this. And the gazes people are sending me after looking at White are not helping that.

“Hello everyone, and welcome to the end of year celebration! And for the first time this year, we have our lovely headmaster with us today!” he exclaims while motioning towards White, the crowd of Guardians immediately growing loud as she is almost never if ever seen in public. Mostly because of her social anxiety, which I’ve come to understand rather well over the time she’s spent following me.

White just nods her head, looking a little stiff as she grabs the mic and says, “Enjoy the evening.”

Then a white layer of light suddenly covers her, making me frown. But I quickly realize what happened when everyone begins looking around in confusion, the cheers trailing off a little.


She seriously just said three words and then hid herself from view? Seriously?


I may not like talking or having any kind of attention that isn’t focused purely on fighting, but I can deal with groups of people well enough. And even from what I’ve seen in the past weeks, I didn’t realize she had it this bad…

Now it kind of makes sense why she removed most of the information about her from the world.

The woman in question turns her gaze to me as the vice headmaster awkwardly picks things up after her disappearance, explaining that she’s still here and stuff. And she quickly begins to blush before lightly shrugging her shoulders.



“Your mother…” Michael begins, only to pause as he seemingly tries to figure out what to say, “is certainly a woman of few words.”

I raise a brow his way, making him look thoroughly chastised for the remark.

“She may have given birth to me, but she isn’t my mother in the truest sense of the word,” I state while turning my gaze back to White to find her walking over towards us, clearly having heard what I just said considering the wince I just barely catch. But when she actually arrives, she doesn’t show any signs of disappointment or regret.

At this point, my image of the most powerful human in the world has kind of been shattered. Which is a little sad.

The white barrier over her flares slightly before all of my former team members and Arthur turn to look at her, the woman clearly having allowed just them to see her now. And just as quickly, they all nod their heads in a show of respect. Some of them even say, “Lady White.”

White nods her head with a faint smile on her face before saying, “Thank you for being friends with Scarlet, and for pulling her into your team when you did.”


My former team looks very surprised by her words, and I can’t say I’m any different. But then she turns to me and says, “Make sure you’re careful when the Class V Fracture begins, alright? I won’t be able to help you during it.”

“I know,” I tell her, not surprised by that. “You have to deal with the Fracture itself. I wouldn’t expect you to risk another Class V Gate just to help me.”

She is, after all, the strongest human. Not to mention one of the two Knights sent to deal with this Fracture.

It used to be three, but then one of them had to be sent North to deal with the undead. Which doesn’t bode as well for down here.

There’s still White and Blue here though, so I don’t think there will be a problem. Not unless a Demon Lord manages to figure out how to make it through a Fracture personally.

“Now, I assume you all have your armor on you?” she asks with a slightly raised brow, seemingly perfectly fine with talking with smaller groups of people. Which I find interesting.

After we all nod, she nods back, “Good. Because the Class V Fracture can happen any time between today all the way to a week from now. So always have your armor on you.”

“Right,” I answer as the others all give their own answers.

“Go ahead and enjoy the night then,” she continues with a smile directed towards me, only to vanish again a moment later.

“Scarlet,” I hear Denise say, bringing my gaze towards her, “your mother is amazing.”

I frown at her, and out of the corner of my eye, I find Belle frowning at the girl as well. Meanwhile Emily is just ignoring us to head towards the spreads of food laid out on various tables. And Michael going after a waiter for some wine.

“She may be powerful, but she isn’t amazing,” Belle says, a bit of venom in her tone showing her as the complete opposite of how she was just acting towards White. Which surprises more than just Denise.

Denise looks between the two of us for a moment before opening her mouth to speak, only to get interrupted by the sound of glass shattering all around us. And at the same time, strange fractures begin appearing in the air both inside of the building and outside of it. Both in the sky and at our own elevation above the ground.

And as if the initiating signs of a Fracture appearing in the building we’re in wasn’t enough – one of a Class II nature by the sensation of energy coming from the direction of the core – a loud explosion echoes out from closer to the center of the city. Then a loud sound that is a mix between a screech and a hiss echoes throughout the entire city, followed soon after by something that sends shivers down my spine.

A loud howl.
