
The very first thing I do is spend thirty-two Skill Points to bring the new passive legendary skill straight up to level five to get the level five improvement for the skill, leaving me with sixty-seven SP left. Then I go ahead and spend another fifty-four Skill Points to finally bring Blood Retribution to level ten, making it so that all of my skills except the new ones, blood armor, null magic field, and blood chains are at least at level ten. And even null magic field is just about there, what with it being level nine.

Too bad it’s achievement-locked so I can’t use SP to raise it to ten.

Blood of Ruin is also achievement-locked, so I’m gonna have to grind that one out in Fractures. Which I’m not sure how will go, considering it’s a finisher attack and probably costs a significant amount of mana to use.

As for the last remaining thirteen Skill Points… I don’t have enough to afford leveling blood armor to level eight, or anything else, really. The only thing I can afford with the last points is bringing Bloody Thorns to level six.

I stare at my status for a few seconds before eventually just shrugging and bringing it to level six. Because it’s a legendary skill, and legendary skills are great.

Wait a second… I reread through the description of Bloody Thorns again.


“Uh, Tar?” I ask out loud, making him float up to my face, the tanuki having lied down and started napping while I was figuring out my spending. “Does this skill apply to… any damage at all?”

Tar nods his head without saying anything out loud.

So it includes anything that can be considered damaging? Even if it’s just a tiny scratch? And it’ll return the base damage no matter what?

“Yeah,” Tar says before finishing my line of thought for me, “so no matter how much damage you take, they will always be taking the same flat rate of damage. Even if they’re using a passive attack against you like, for example, your blood boil.”

It would just continuously deal them even more damage than their own skill is dealing me depending on just how much damage that flat amount of damage is. And in a much more reliable manner than Blood Retribution as well.

This skill… is even better than I thought. It basically makes those passive damage dealing skills completely useless against me.


Well, unless they want to take more damage than they’re dealing, that is.

I can’t wait to test out that skill though.

“Do you know what happened to Allen, by the way?” Tar suddenly comments, reminding me of how… displeased I’ll call it… Ava was when she found out that Allen had sent a clone onto the Garden through the terminal on her desk.

Pretty sure she quite literally kicked his clone off the Garden. Not that he cared, since he supposedly dispelled his clone before it hit the ground.

“That’s harsh,” Tar mutters, and I can’t help but nod. But at the same time, I’ve learned why she is uncomfortable around men thanks to the people on the Garden not actually being opposed to talking about it.

This being while you were away in the Farshore.


It turns out she had a close call when she was a child and was only saved from a group of thugs thanks to a Fracture appearing where they were at. And ever since then she grew absolutely terrified of men.

“Terrified? She didn’t look terrified when she was on campus,” Tar points out.

That’s because she slowly got over that fear, which was helped by a man she had eventually gotten romantically involved with trying to rid her of that fear entirely. Until he apparently cheated on her, that is.

Tar glances at me with a startled look on his face.

Yeah. Kind of messed up.

Didn’t do any favors to her mental state either. She ended up just feeling uncomfortable around men in general, but not afraid anymore.

And the reason she made the Garden women only was because of this very reason. She didn’t feel she would be able to have any men in her Association as it would make her too uncomfortable.

Overall a very different reason from what a lot of people suspect. In fact, I think there were some groups online that I saw who thought she had some sort of distaste for men or just thought they were disgusting or something.

Anyways, I stretch a little before flopping on the bed and staring at the ceiling.

What to do… because I’m not sleepy thanks to only recently waking up from that short coma. But I don’t exactly have my pod here to play Hunter XI either.

“You could always just train,” Tar points out a very good idea. So I get up and begin making my way over towards the training hall of the Garden.

The moment I step inside of the training hall, though, I find myself being stopped by White, who appears out of nowhere and says, “There’s been a change to the schedule for the rest of the semester.”

I blink at that before frowning and asking, “What changed?”

“The signs of the Class V Fracture are starting to grow stronger, indicating that it will most likely happen in either two or three weeks. So the last few weeks of classes are cancelled, and the final exams are moved to this next week,” White says, sounding rather stiff as she always does whenever she’s talking about official university stuff. Something she clearly doesn’t really enjoy doing.

“Oh,” I mutter, my frown growing a little.

That’s going to be annoying. But whatever.

“Are the exams going to be cutting that content entirely?” I ask, “Or will they give us something to study it after all this so that we don’t miss out?”

White looks slightly surprised at the question before answering that they will indeed be giving us some recorded lectures over the content after the Class V Fracture so that we can at least learn it if we wish to.

Good. Because I don’t want to waste the funds I’m paying to go to the Guardians University in the first place.
