
A wave of purple gook suddenly splatters out of the spider, spraying everything in sight including me. And the moment the gook touches me, it burns.

The liquid eats away at my skin, at my armor, at my fur on my arms, and practically at everything, leaving me screaming in pain. But the spider isn’t in much better shape since it seems to have forgotten about blood retribution and has lost its footing, also screeching in its own pain.

Through my purple coated and slightly spotty eyes, I see a woman with white hair appear in front of me with her arm raised. But I practically scream, “Do not attack it!!!”

White turns around to frown at me, but I push through the pain somehow to stand up, the color red reflecting off of the walls likely from my eyes flaring as I look at the creature, my prey, with determination set in stone.

“I will not let another-” I shout, only to cough out blood in the middle of that and then continue, “-chance like this pass me by!”

I step towards the spider, who is finally starting to get up, albeit with some struggle.


“Not like the last time with the damned fucking wraith!” I finish, may eyes suddenly widening as I realize just why this situation has been burning at me inside. Why I couldn’t just let someone else deal with this creature. Not when I have a chance to kill it on my own.

The last time I fought a creature over one hundred levels above me, I was saved by Cynthia. Then I was saved when fighting the Rogue by Blue, even if he didn’t seem to mean it.

I will not be saved again! Not like those times! I will kill this fucking spider myself!

A faint wave of surprise enters my mind from Tar, likely due to the emotional outburst I’m having. But I don’t care. I begin running towards the spider with my left claw, still partially burnt from the acidic poison it spit at me, raised. And the spider climbs to its feet as White steps back. The thing then turns towards me, only to suddenly stagger again when my blood shadow jumps on top of it, the thing having managed to find cover before the poison spurt happened. My blood shadow then stabs it again in the back, making it screech again, following which it slams itself into the wall and then skewers my blood shadow when it lands on the ground.

I stagger at the backlash before coughing out a mouthful of blood, but I continue forward anyways, briefly noticing the stump on my right arm slooowly regenerating again, the cells growing back at an incredibly slow but visible pace.



I burn more of my blood, which has Tar sending waves of fright and uncertainty to my mind. But I ignore that to jump straight onto the back of the spider, not bothering with climbing it. Then I stab my left arm as deep as I can possibly go into its body, making it let out another screech, only for something to burst under my grip and that screech to rise an octave in pitch.

A faint grin stretches its way across my face at that, but it doesn’t last long as the creature suddenly throws itself into the wall seemingly as a last resort, sending me flying off of it again. And before I can even hit the ground, the creature sends another limb my way that I only barely manage to move partially out of the way of, making the limb cut into my back and pass through straight out my side in a slash, cutting one of my hearts in half.

Then the creature lets out an incredibly loud screech, following which it collapses on the ground as I land smashing into a wall, my vision beginning to fade.

Soon enough, I hear the sound of a new System message, a ding from a stack of blood thirst, and see White running over to me while Ava appears next to me.

The hunt’s over.

I win.


Then everything goes dark.

The Alleyway

Amelia’s mind blanks out for just a moment before the sight of her daughter hitting the ground while missing a hand with a large open and significantly bleeding cut going all the way through her shoulder blade and out the side of her chest has her running straight to her daughter, appearing there in an instant. And at the same time, she sees the Bloody Valkyrie appearing as well.

When Scarlet had shouted at her to stay out of the fight, she was absolutely shocked. Because not once had she ever heard her daughter raise her voice in the entire time she’s been watching over her since birth. Not a single time.

And this time she sounded genuinely pissed off and absolutely determined.

So Amelia decided to trust her despite her apprehensions.

And now she regrets that choice.

Amelia quickly pulls her daughter into her arms while nullifying any sense of pain her daughter has despite her being unconscious. Then she looks up at Ava who quickly kneels next to her and raises her hands, controlling the blood flowing out of Scarlet to stop and instead continue flowing inside of her body despite the lack of body parts.

“That regeneration,” Ava mutters as she notices the arm that is slowly growing back from the stump about a little past halfway down Scarlet’s forearm.

She’s part blood lycan. Right. I almost… how could I? The danger… damnit, I can’t think straight!!

Amelia just holds her daughter to her chest as Ava begins using blood magic to heal the girl’s wounds in conjunction with Scarlet’s own regeneration. And after a few minutes, the worst of it is over, all of her burns from the poison having already healed thanks to her regeneration, the wound in her side closed up enough that it just lacks blood now, and her arm still slowly growing back, not being something Ava can heal herself as she can’t regrow limbs. Even her clothes and armor were repaired through magic so that she isn’t exposed anymore, the poison having done a lot of damage to her clothing.

Amelia leans her forehead into her daughter’s as her arms tighten ever so slightly around the girl, not daring to let go even as tears begin dripping down her face, seemingly startling the Bloody Valkyrie in the process.

At some point, the Fracture ends, the core shattering making Amelia open her eyes again to find a tanuki on the ground staring worriedly at Scarlet.

“She’ll be fine,” Amelia says to her daughter’s contracted fae. And despite the tanuki nodding his head, he just continues to stare at Scarlet.

More time passes while the Guardians of the Garden begin helping the people of the orphan sector, healing the injured, restoring the buildings to what they were, and even speaking with the authorities of the city. And eventually, Scarlet’s arm finally finishes fully regenerating.

Amelia waits a few more minutes after that before finally floating up into the sky while still cradling her daughter to her chest in a way that would embarrass the girl if she were awake. Especially with the eyes watching.

But Amelia is too worried to care.

I’m not leaving her until she wakes up.

A few seconds pass as Amelia frequently glances between the tanuki floating alongside them, Scarlet, and the Garden.

Her father would be proud though.
