
Without any hesitation, the Garden begins to descend at an incredible speed towards the ground, stopping with the bottom of the island just barely not touching the walls of the orphan sector. Then Ava immediately shouts while manifesting a spear in her hand and a layer of blood armor around her body, “Enforcers, come! We restrain the Fracture here and now!”

A loud roar echoes from the Guardians on the Garden, making me look back to find a woman seemingly about thirty years old spreading her hands out and letting out a roar akin to that of a tiger. She then begins transforming into a black tiger spanning three meters in length and an entire meter and a half in height, her claws digging into the stone of the Garden. Only for that stone to fix itself when she begins charging off towards the edge of the Garden.

Meanwhile, similar events start happening around the Garden where each of the Class V Guardians prepare before leaping off of the floating island and into the orphan sector. But when I turn around myself, I feel a hand on my shoulder, bringing my gaze to find the blind seer of the Garden. Ava’s second in command. And as I look back, I also notice the rest of the members of the Garden heading down towards one of the tunnels leading underground.

The woman smiles at me and says, “Come.”

So I follow her and the other Guardians underground until we end up at a hangar which is housing several large hover platforms – magi-tech structures meant to transport large objects through the air. And everyone is currently climbing onto the platforms.

The seer lightly pushes my back towards it and says, “Hop on.”


I smile at that before nodding at her and jumping onto one of the platforms alongside over a dozen other Guardians, almost all of which on this platform are Class II, leaving the majority of the Class IIIs and some Class IVs on other platforms entirely.

Something I do notice is that none of the Class Is are here. In fact, I’m pretty sure they all stayed above ground.

Guess they’ll be bombarding the demons from the island with ranged skills or equipment? Probably for the best since they won’t be able to do anything to the demons down there even if they helped. They’d just end up in danger.

Either way, there seems to be one Class IV Guardian on each platform along with the Class IIs, likely here to defend us from the higher leveled Class III demons. But since we won’t be given anything by the System should we not be at risk at all, they’re probably only going to defend us from Class III demons above a certain level.

After we’re all on the platform, each of the platforms begin to float off the ground in the hangar as the hangar door opens, soon letting us all outside. The platforms then start floating in the direction of the ground, with the ones with Class III and above Guardians on them going all the way down to the ground, while the ones with Class IIs on them like my own stay up in the air.

Out of nowhere, the platform turns see-through, giving me a better view of the ground below. And what terror it is.


Normally Fractures don’t generally appear in Tier 3 cities. Not even very many appear in Tier 2 cities, in fact.

Most of the time, only one Fracture happens every one to two months inside of each Tier 3 city, the Demonic Assaults being rather limited in ‘reality energy,’ as the researchers call it, not letting them form many Fractures here. Which also leads them to believe that reality energy is generated by living beings. Probably only sapient ones. Meanwhile, one Fracture tends to happen every two or so weeks in Tier 2 cities. And with the general rarity of Fractures, Class I and II Fractures are the most common ones seen in the lower Tiered cities.

And even with those, the cities lose tens of thousands of people with each Fracture. Something that’s only made up for with the lack of people dying to diseases, along with the enforced birth requirement on the people.

But what I’m seeing down there right now is a massacre. And since there aren’t many barriers or bunkers in Tier 3 cities, with none of them being in the orphan sector, and all of the buildings down there only being one story and in relatively poor condition, most of the demons are out in the open. And they’re all slaughtering the humans in the city like bugs.

I feel my fist clenching at the sight before I start using skills from up here on the demons down below. Starting with blood boil and life drain, and then moving on to using blood manifestation to send attacks towards them, along with making various null magic fields to bother the demons attacking both humans and Guardians. But after a few minutes of this, I use my blood shadow and have it jump down to the buildings below to start targeting one of the weakest demons I noticed in the corner of the mayhem that’s targeting a couple orphan kids. A demon that should still be strong enough to rip me in half.

If it’s my blood shadow though, I should be able to safely attack it. All it’ll mean for me is some painful backlash if my blood shadow is killed after all.


Out of the corner of my eye, I find the other Guardians on the platform all sending ranged attacks down on the demons as well, meanwhile the Guardians on the ground are starting to tear their way through the swarms of demons. I even see the Class Vs already having killed the general and sealed the core, making it so they can shatter it at any moment. And by now they’re floating up into the air and using widescale skills to stop any demons from killing the civilians with some rather great success.

I also can’t help but notice some random flashes of white here and there before demons just randomly disappear right as they’re about to hurt a civilian.

White’s doing, no doubt.

But she’s not just slaughtering everything. Only protecting civilians who are about to get hurt or die.

My attention returns to the Class III demon that my blood shadow was fighting the moment I feel backlash from its death, making me almost lose my footing on the platform.

|Demon Vanguard – Subspecies: Taracht – Level 253|

The same demon that was used in my very first ranking tournament at Lion’s Heart as the Class III demon.

Damnit, I will kill this thing!
