Hello again everyone!

So as you've already been told before, I am in the middle of my Summer semester of my last year at college. This isn't a very hard semester as you can probably tell just by how it hasn't affected my uploads in the slightest.

That said, I only have two more weeks left of the five-week-long semester.

Which means the end of term paper is gonna be due soon.

Which means I have to start it.

So I might have to cancel a chapter or two depending on how that works out.

Probably won't though.


The more important thing in this update though is that I'll be going with my dad to visit family out of state in a few weeks. And while I'll try to continue writing as normal, I have not gone out of state since I was in junior high about a decade-ish ago.

So who knows if I'll be able to keep up with my current writing.

Just wanted to warn y'all just in case.

As for the Fall semester this year? That won't start up for about two to three months or so. I think two.

I'll have four classes total in it, half of which are easy classes like Classical Mythology because the University for some reason requires Computer Science majors to take a sociology class, and the other half are actual classes like Senior Design I and Computer Graphics.

And the Spring semester will just be two classes. Senior Design II and whatever random technical elective I take to get that last class of credits out of the way. Probably a cybersecurity one like I always take.


Point being, I'm almost done with college :)

So my stress level will be going way down after this next year. Probably. Hopefully.

Let's just say it will be.

Anyways, have a lovely night all!
