
I end up playing for the entire day until Blaze and I complete all of the beginner missions and therefore the event mission as well at about dinner time, with the two of us only taking a short break for lunch during that. And the man actually ends up being quite helpful during the missions. He seems to have designed his character with a pure offensive magical build, which is different from mine in that while I have magic I also have plenty of investment in physical. Something Tar once again finds amusing considering how similar it is to my stats and skills in reality.

Makes me wonder if Blaze is the same though. If his build in-game is the same as how he fights as a Guardian in reality, assuming he is a Guardian. Which I’m pretty sure he is at this point, considering that he seemed to show more combat training and experience than me when we were fighting in the game. Something a civilian most likely won’t have.

Either way I stretch not too long after getting out of the pod doc before heading over to the living room, just to pause as I remember to get dressed. So I turn back around, deactivating my magi-tech armor and heading towards my closet where I quickly get dressed and reactivate the armor again.

Right as I’m about to leave my suite though, I find my terminal suddenly buzzing at me from my arm. And when I turn it off sleep mode and find it to be an email, I immediately stop walking, my hand hovering over the doorknob as I find who the email is from.


I frown as I read the email, which is basically just asking if I would like to join her in a private booth during the Class I Team Primaries that start tomorrow. With Aria too, apparently.


Is she actually trying to make an effort now? Although, why is Aria gonna be coming too?

My frown grows deeper for a moment before I shake my head.

Might as well give it a chance. It’ll give me time to ask more questions.

Plus I can see Aria.

I continue leaving my suite while locking it behind me.

Now is time for dinner though.


“Scarlet!” Aria shouts as she jumps into my arms, having turned a corner out of nowhere while I’m walking towards White’s private booth. “We get to watch the tournament together!”

I can’t help but smile at the girl as I continue walking through the hall, briefly nodding to her butler who is panting in exhaustion when I pass by the hallway they had come from. And the man nods at me while panting, making me feel a faint amount of pity for the old man.

“Greetings *pant* young miss,” he says with some difficulty before taking a moment to catch his breath and straightening up again. “Would you mind taking care of the young lady from here?”

“Sure,” I answer with a chuckle as Aria begins playing with my hair.

The butler gives me a bow and a quick thank you and starts walking away at a much slower pace than before.

“We’re going to see Aunt Amelia?” Aria asks, making me pause to glance at her for a second before I continue walking through the hall again as I answer, “Yeah.”


Guess Aria has seen White then. Although I shouldn’t really be surprised, since the reason she never saw me was apparently that prophecy of theirs. So there wasn’t anything stopping her from seeing her niece.

I can’t help but wonder though…

“Have you seen your aunt very often?” I ask the girl in my arms as I slow down my pace a little to give us more time to talk.

Aria purses her lips with her left arm wrapped around me and her right playing with my hair still, only to shake her head and say, “Not much. She would come by a few times every year to check on me and bring me gifts, but she never seemed comfortable at our house. And she stopped visiting a couple years ago too…”

I frown at that before patting the girl on the head and smoothing out her hair which had become a little messed up at some point.

“I have seen her a couple times since then though, but not at home,” Aria suddenly adds as she rests her head on my shoulder.


If I’m reading that right, it sounds like White isn’t on good terms with my grandfather on her side of the family, who is apparently the one raising Aria instead of her father. But then again, from what Aria has told me of him, he’s not the greatest in terms of parenting or grandparenting material. Since the guy literally charges the nine year old girl to stay home with him.

Which is why she goes on those commercial shoots and has her job as a child actress.

Honestly not sure if that’s even legal, but considering who the man is, I doubt the government can do shit to him. Since he is one of the richest people in the world, even if he’s not a Guardian himself. Just a man using certain Guardian’s skills to continue extending his lifetime long past when he should’ve died. Long past when a person using supplements would’ve died too.

He isn’t harsh or abusive with her though. He simply treats their relationship as a contract of sorts. One he only accepts because she’s family.

All in all, my family on my mother’s side sounds screwed up in most every way possible.

Then again, my family on my father’s side is a bunch of demons. So…

“They’re blood lycans at least, and they love family no matter what,” Tar defends my father’s side.

Well, he still abandoned me.

He doesn’t say anything in response.

Aria stays quiet as we pass by a few people in the hallway. People who immediately end up taking pictures of me and Aria that I am absolutely sure are going to end up on the internet within the minute.

We continue, or rather, I continue walking with Aria in my arms for a few more minutes before we finally arrive at a grand looking staircase, which apparently leads up to the private booths reserved just for the Knights of Humanity. And the place where me and Aria are going to be seeing White.

My birth mother.
