
“Considering how many kills you’re taking from me, I’d say you should already be a high enough level to take on the demons on the outskirts of the Fracture by yourself,” Sylver grunts with a frown on his face as he looks around at the demons I’d killed closer to the edges of the second large room of the arcade. A bowling alley. And I can’t help but think he’s trying to get rid of me.

“Well, it makes sense that he would,” Tar says, sounding rather amused. “You’re kind of stealing a bunch of his kills.”

I mean, it’s not like most of those kills would give him EXP anyways…

That said, I let my System messages flow through.

{Level 102 Demon Fomorian defeated. A small EXP bonus is awarded for killing a creature above your level. A small EXP penalty has been extracted for getting assistance in killing a demon.} x5

{Level 102 Demon Fomorian defeated. A small EXP penalty has been extracted for getting assistance in killing a demon.} x4


{Level 104 Demon Fomorian defeated. A small EXP penalty has been extracted for getting assistance in killing a demon.} x4

{Level 105 Demon Fomorian defeated. A small EXP penalty has been extracted for getting assistance in killing a demon.} x4

{Level 106 Demon Fomorian defeated. A small EXP penalty has been extracted for getting assistance in killing a demon.} x4

{Level 108 Demon Fomorian defeated. A small EXP penalty has been extracted for getting assistance in killing a demon.} x4

{Level 125 Demon Acolyte defeated. A large EXP bonus is awarded for killing a creature above your level. A small EXP penalty has been extracted for getting assistance in killing a demon.} x2

{Level 126 Demon Acolyte defeated. A large EXP bonus is awarded for killing a creature above your level. A small EXP penalty has been extracted for getting assistance in killing a demon.} x2


{Level 128 Demon Acolyte defeated. A large EXP bonus is awarded for killing a creature above your level. A small EXP penalty has been extracted for getting assistance in killing a demon.} x3

{Congrats, you have leveled up to level 102. Three Free Points have been awarded to you and your stats have been updated.}

{Congrats, you have leveled up to level 111. Three Free Points have been awarded to you and your stats have been updated.}

{One Skill Point is awarded for killing a demon.} x32

[Skill ‘Blood Pull’ has leveled up to level 13.]


[Skill ‘Null Magic Field’ has leveled up to level 2.]

Yeah, I did get quite a lot of levels from that. And all it took was like five to ten minutes of fighting.

I wonder why those demons were so weak?

“Well, they are the weakest demons in the Fracture, and you already have the advantage over them in your skills and you being mostly blood lycan,” Tar says, making it sound obvious. “Not to mention that the demon acolytes are fully focused on magic attacks with very little in the way of defense for themselves. Which is why they have fomorians guardians.”

Fomorians that were mostly attacking Sylver.

“You’re sure you won’t get in trouble with Allen for this?” I ask with a raised brow, and Sylver just snorts and turns around, walking away.

Guess that’s a yes?

Either way, looks like I already leveled up Null Magic Field once. So that’s very nice.

“You do need to remember that it’ll become a lot harder-” Tar begins only to stop when I finish, “To level up as I do so. Yes, I know. We learned about it in System Basics while you were asleep.”

The range of levels for Class II is 1.5 times as large as it is for Class I, meaning that I’ll probably stop getting EXP from the fomorians entirely after I reach around level one hundred and ninety to two hundred or so. And that’ll mean I will be stuck having to get another fifty or so levels relying solely on the stronger and more elite demons in the Fracture.

It’s both annoying and nice that the start of each Class has Guardians leveling up the fastest by far. Annoying because it’s annoying when you’re not at the start of the Class, and nice because it really does feel nice to see the levels shooting up when you are.

I stretch a little as I watch Sylver walk through the door into a hallway leading towards where the core is. Then I turn around and begin heading towards a hallway leading elsewhere, where I’ll likely find some rather weak demons due to their being quite a ways away from the core.

As I walk though, I can’t help but wonder if the person manipulating the demons in my Fractures will start doing it again now that I’m alone.

I’m still not sure who’s doing it, but if I had to guess, it’s probably someone connected to my father. After all, if he’s a member of a branch in the blood lycans clan, then he will probably be able to do something like that.

I think?

Then again, I’m not really sure how that all works.

And Tar won’t say anything still.

“You’ll find out on your own,” Tar says, making me frown.


Stupid prophecies.

Then again, for all I know, the one doing the manipulating of my Fractures could be my father himself. Or maybe just someone subordinate to him?

I continue walking through the room before entering the hallway where I eventually find more demons after turning a corner further down in said hallway.

|Demon Fomorian – Subspecies: N/A – Level 102|

|Demon Fomorian – Subspecies: N/A – Level 104|

|Demon Fomorian – Subspecies: N/A – Level 103|

|Demon Fomorian – Subspecies: N/A – Level 102|

|Demon Acolyte – Subspecies: N/A – Level 125|

An acolyte and its bodyguards, all of which are almost at the lowest level they can possibly be in this Fracture.

Not a half bad find, if I’m being honest.

The fomorians all begin rushing towards me as soon as they smell me, meanwhile the acolyte begins raising its staff, only to grow confused when I place a null magic field around it. But it pushes past the confusion a second later to send a bolt of lightning at me, frowning a second later.

I jump out of the way of the bolt of lightning before covering my shapeshifted arms with claws of blood – not using the metallicized blood – and charging straight for the fomorians who are all now several levels below me.

Let’s begin the hunt.
