
From what I can remember, the one I already killed was the team’s debuffer, kind of like Emily is for our team. Which makes things easier for us in that we won’t have to worry about the curse magic he uses.

Zero might be a challenge though. Currently our plan is going well, since we’ve managed to catch them off guard and take out one of their team, lowering the number of students they have. Which was a necessity, since they’re on average higher leveled than our team, with the only exception being me. And I’m still at about the same level as Zero. Just that I’m stronger on account of being half blood lycan.

Doesn’t mean his magic won’t be a problem for both me and the others though.

Even Denise’s fire skill wasn’t completely able to counter whatever skill he used to send that icy wave at me, only block enough of it that when it passed through, it didn’t have enough power in the attack to reach me.

After a few more seconds of silent stare down, we all burst into movement. Michael summons both his treants and the hound to help while using a skill to raise all of our natural regens while Emily begins using a bunch of debuffs on the enemies and Belle gives us each a small personal barrier. I on the other hand immediately sprint towards Zero with Denise sending geysers of flames from the walls at the other three next to him.

They don’t stay still either though, the rune magic girl – too far away for the geysers to reach her – begins writing her runes again while the healer summons his own treants along with an even larger creature that Michael certainly doesn’t have. A giant wolf spanning nearly two meters in length.


Almost immediately upon being summoned though, the wolf turns its gaze to me and begins whimpering while backing away, seemingly confusing the nature magic user.

I snort in amusement as I focus on Zero, letting the others handle them for now.

The man also looks a little bit confused at the large wolf’s actions, but he keeps his attention on me now that I’ve got mine on him.

“That was a pretty good plan,” he says with a rather laidback tone of voice. As if we’re not in a battle right now. “You interested in meeting up after this tournament?”

I raise an eyebrow at that.

Is he hitting on me? During a tournament? And with a neutral expression on his face?


“It looks like he is,” Tar answers, and amusingly enough, everyone else just stops fighting for a split second, any skills they were preparing just pausing next to them as they stare at us for a second, only to return to their battle again when Denise suddenly refocuses and sends another geyser their way.

“Not interested,” I answer before rushing forward, using both blood boil and blood armor at the same time as I clear the distance between us in seconds. But the moment my claws strike his arm, which he raises to block me, they begin to freeze, even with my claws of blood digging slightly into his armor – which just looks like a pale blue leather armor.

He grimaces, and I jump back, the freezing of the blood on my claws stopping the moment we break contact. Zero on the other hand begins cradling his arm a little bit, blood showing as the arm itself appears slightly bent the wrong way.

Looks like I broke his arm at least.

“Impressive,” the man says, tilting his head a little as a slight smirk stretches across his face, “you sure you aren’t interested?”

This guy is annoying.


“Yes, I’m sure,” I answer him, not having any interest in starting a romance with anyone.

Personally, I’ve never fallen in love before. Nor have I developed feelings for anyone before. Always been way too focused on moving forward to even consider the notion of love or romance.

And I’m too self-oriented for relationships anyways.

So there’s no way I’d say yes to that.

“Really? That’s interesting to know,” Tar mutters.

“Unfortunate,” Zero answers with a neutral face that makes it very difficult to tell what he’s thinking, “but not unpredictable.”

I raise a brow at that, only to jump forward again, putting more and more blood into my claws to insulate them from whatever skill he has defending him. But right when I’m about to hit, a bright flash of blue light shines from him, following which a wave of ice and snow shoots outwards, quickly striking me and sending me flying. Right when I’m about to fly over the side of the balcony though, I feel something break my fall before pushing me back onto it.

I turn back to find Michael’s falcon flying away again, so I give him a nod of appreciation before turning back to face Zero again.

Damn, the time limit is down to just three minutes now.

Fortunately whatever attack he just did didn’t actually do much damage to me beyond knocking me back. Which he seems to be a little surprised by, considering his mouth being wide open right now, only for him to shut it when he sees me looking.

Well, since time isn’t on my side, I can only brute force it. I activate pain diffusion, the soreness I was feeling from being sent flying and having my fingers ever so slightly frosted over fading in an instant. Then I push blood boil and life drain to the max on him while also using blood sacrifice so much that steam rises from my pores as I break into a sprint towards him, a large crater forming beneath my feet in the stone at the same time.

Out of nowhere, large gauntlets made out of pure ice appear on the man’s hands, following which he slams his fists together and jumps straight towards me, the ground beneath him immediately freezing as he does so. And the others all pause in their battles as they look up to find us about to clash, blades of dripping blood around me heading towards him as well, along with icicles forming out of the frozen moisture in the air around him.

But despite the situation, I can’t help the grin that stretches across my face. And neither can he, apparently. Since he has one as well, the grin completely replacing the usual neutral expression he has.

Now this is the type of fight I wanted coming here!
