



I jerked awake, at the noise, confused and in quite a bit of pain. Then I realized what was going on.

I blinked away the blood from my optics and looked around. I remembered…

Falling. I had fallen until I managed to grab at a pipe and break my fall. I remember holding onto it with all my grip sliding downward trying to slow down. A painful feeling and then smashing into something…


I was laying bent over a sign I realized. An electronic sign board. Quite thoroughly smashed as I was wrapped around it. Arms hanging loosely down the side, blood dripping down my chrome fingers falling out into the long drop below. My right arm still had the piece of pipe clutched in my hand. My fingers literally bent into the old pipe.

I coughed and more than a little blood came out.

Not a good sign.

I moved my arm and was able to get to the pouch on my other shoulder with a little fumbling.

The MaxDoc pressed into my mouth and suddenly I went from pretty weak to feeling at least kinda alive.

Considering I was stable and was going to need a few minutes, I decided to go ahead and just answer the damn ringing in my head.



*Oh thank God! Motoko! I got Asuka out, did you flatline the guy? I’ve been calling you for like ten minutes.*

*He kinda kicked my ass. Don’t come back, don’t know where he is right now. I’m gonna… Well I think I’m gonna drag my ass to Viks.”

*Shit… Are you?*

*I got a little stabbed, and he threw me out a window. I’ll live.* I slowly inched up my head from where it had been resting against the broken advertisement.

Soulhiker energy drinks huh? Sounded absolutely disgusting, but maybe I’ll buy one in thanks.


*What do we do?*

*Call Hiromi. Set up a safe house for our client or something. I’m gonna need a visit to Viks. Ichi, You got this?* I asked him because this was definitely a step up from our normal work situation.

*Well if he kicked your ass, I don’t think I’ll be able to stop him.*

*Don’t need to stop him Ichi, just avoid him. Go to ground, make sure she doesn’t make calls and stuff. I trust you… I need to hang up. Gonna need to figure out a way down.*

The line was silent for a moment as I started grunting and shifting myself so I wasn’t just sprawled over a metal sign.

Was my head bleeding?

Ah it had been. Looks like the MaxDoc fixed that up, but I was still covered in blood.

*Don’t die Motoko, I’ll keep Asuka safe.*

*I’ll be fine, I just need some time. Drive safe.*

I rose up a bit and felt the advertisement shift under me.


I spotted a good enough spot just below. An apartment had a small Balcony. I surged upwards, pushing myself off full strength and just managed to leap for it as the sign finally broke after the Motoko missile had damaged it.

I landed roughly, coughing and sputtering but I didn’t smash my head so it was just pain, and pain would pass. I reached down and found another MaxDoc and huffed that down as well.

I looked over and blinked.

A kid blinked back probably wondering what this bloody teenager was doing landing on his balcony. There was a kid just inside the apartment, one hand had a toy gun in his hand, and a cyber goggles on his head. He must have been playing some game.

I smiled and waved.

He waved back.



I didn’t see Thomas that fucker in the elevator as I took it down. Little Johnthan was nice enough to let me in, so I didn’t have to jump down the entire apartment block.

Which was good, because I was full of ow.

I flopped into the Quadra and started driving out of the area. I would meet up with the others later, but first, I really did need to get to Vik. My right arm had basically stopped working, which was kinda a bad sign.

It hung limply no matter what I did. Something was definitely broken, and I don’t think it was just my bones.



I sighed, as I got another call. This time I was coherent enough to check the caller ID.

*Hey Hiromi.*

*Motoko! Are you okay!? I talked to Ichi and he said you got hurt!*

*Yeah I’ve been better. This guy Thomas Anderson? He’s good Hiromi. Like really good. I’m glad Ichi managed to get Asuka away cause he took me apart.*

*You’re okay though?*

*Beaten, but already on my way to Viks. No idea how long it’ll take to put me back on my feet though Hiromi. So if you guys continue this gig? You need to hide. Go to ground completely. Don’t call anyone and tell them where you are, and hell just stop calling people entirely. Go hide somewhere. The man is a netrunner.*

I turned into a spot in front of MIsty’s with a sigh.

*I just pulled up to Viks. Hiromi. Stay safe, and call if you think he is coming.*

*We’ll… I’ll make sure everyone stays safe Motoko. I promise.* Hiromi sounded pretty upset, but for once I just wasn’t in any state to try and comfort her.

I pulled myself with a grunt out of the Quadra and walked around and then over to Misty’s ignoring the looks I was getting as I limped down.

I wasn’t bleeding anymore after all. Everything just hurt.

“Welcome to Misty’s Eso- Motoko!?”

“Hey Misty… Mind letting Vik know, I need some help?” I called not even feeling up to raising a hand to wave at the woman.

A few moments later I was attacked as she grabbed me and started hauling me out the back to Viks.

Yeah that was good. I could use some help.


“You did some real damage to yourself kid.”

“Don’t I know it.” I reminded Vik as he pulled away from scanning me down.

“Your arms connection port disengaged from the bone. Tore the nerves and muscle right out.”

“It was already broken, and I needed to stop my fall.” I almost shrugged but didn’t because my shoulder was currently…

Vik had taken my entire arm off to check the shoulder port.

“This is gonna take some real work kid. If not for your… Healing.” He muttered making sure to whisper the last part. “I would say you are looking at some real recovery time.”

“Good thing I have it, and I have you then Vik.” I offered with a weak smile. I wasn’t really feeling perky at the moment.

“Yeah kid. You got me. I can fix this all up for you, but you have to be more careful. Those arms of yours might be chrome, but there is only muscle and bone between them.”

“For now.” I muttered darkly. He caught my eye as his eyebrow quirked up and I felt myself going more grim. “But that needs to change. Vik. I need some chrome.”

“Never a good idea to chip something while injured kid. Especially something like this.”

I scowled, because he was right. But also I didn’t mean right this second.

“I know. I’m still on a gig right now! I need to be back on my feet soon. Can you source some stuff for me? Some good stuff.”

“Yeah kid. Let’s put you back together, and you can tell me what you want. I’ll start gathering it up for you.”

“Vik… Thanks.”


I took an eight hour sleep on Viks chair and woke up feeling much better. As I had said none of my chooms had contacted me, which was good. I headed out after giving Vik a big hug for putting me back together, and then went back to Asuka’s apartment.

When I got there, I very carefully let myself in, only after making sure I could hack back into the security network.

Like I expected, the moment I was in, I found a Daemon had been left behind.

Asuka or her parents would have had a nasty surprise when they came home only for their own security system to activate to kill them.

It took me a few minutes to clear it out and reset everything to how it should be and I walked inside.

Instantly I sighed in relief that my stuff was still laying around. Thomas had picked up his own gear, but left my stuff behind. No looting? Kinda disappointed to by honest. But it made my life a lot easier.

Burya and Lexington holstered, I was digging around trying to find my knife. It had been knocked out of my grip along with my Burya, but it had gone flying as it was a lot lighter.

Then I heard it.

An alert from the security system.

I leapt up and found some cover behind the broken couch. Burya drawn and ready. Was Thomas back? If he was, I doubt I was ready, but I would give him another fight!

I instantly lowered my weapon when I saw who it was. A woman in Araska gear stepping in, her Nowaki checking every corner as she entered.

I lowered myself down, so I wouldn’t be easy to shoot and called out.

“Friendly! Don-”

I flinched as a half dozen rounds blurred through the air above me.

“Don’t shoot! I’m a friendly!” I yelled out then gave it a minute, when no more rounds fired I slowly raised both hands up above the couch so she could see them.

“Identify yourself!”

“Motoko Kusnagi! I’m a merc hired by your daughter Asuka.”

“Where is she! Where is Thomas! What did he do?” She demanded and I was rushed as she came around the couch and instantly attacked, slamming me into the ground Rifle in my face.

“We got her out when he attacked the apartment. I don’t know where Thomas is. He threw me out the window about nine hours ago.” I said pointing at the still broken window.

This close to the woman, I could make out a slight resemblance to Asuka. Funnily enough they both used the same Arasaka optics, but was what kind of cute was the fact they had both chosen the same Pinkish color.

Her face was glaring down at me though, so I ignored the eye color to focus on the woman. Her Arasaka armor showed she was here for a fucking war…

I could use that.

“Where is my daughter!”

“My team is currently with Asuka, I don’t know exactly where, we split up when I was hurt, and I didn’t want them telling anyone where she is over unsecured comms while running from a netrunner. Ya?”

“If this is some fucking scheme from Thomas. I promise I’ll put a bullet in you.”

“I don’t work for that asshole. He stabbed me and kicked me out the fucking window. I want him dead.” I ground out before sighing. “We were waiting for you or your husband to get back. We can meet up with Asuka and my team, and come up with a plan to kill that fuck.”

“I don’t need some teenager. Tell me where my daughter is, and get lost.”

“The only reason your daughter is still alive is because of my team.” I pointed out, and then reached up and slowly pushed the rifle out of my face so I could sit up. The woman backed up tactically, never fully removing the barrel from me.

I stood up and wiped myself down a little. “Let me send a text to my team. Let them know you are back. Okay?”

“Get on with it.”

I nodded and did just said, sending Hiromi a picture as well.

*Motoko: The mother showed up, she’s pissed. Don’t tell me where you are, but get ready to move for meetup.*

*Hiromi: Finally. Been fighting with Asuka for the last few hours to get her not to make any calls. I’ll move her to a secure location and call you.*

“Alright. My team is moving her from where we stashed her. She’ll let us know once she is somewhere we can meet up.”

“Just tell me where she is.” Asuka’s mother growled and I shook my head.

“I don’t know. I’ll get a call soon with where she is.” The answer did not seem to satisfy the woman but she slowly not quite lowered the weapon, but at least stopped looking like she was going to kill me.

Then she started side walking around the apartment, checking locations while keeping an eye on me. Closets, and cabinets and things.

“What are you doing?”

There was no way someone could be hiding in the cabinet she had just checked, so she wasn’t just looking for people.

“Thomas sent a message about an hour ago. That he had left a surprise at our apartment.”

I blinked, tucking that away. “You expected to see Asuka-”

“Unless this is a trap.” She said, looking to me and I just raised my hands and shook my head. “Then something… He did something. I’m sure of it.”

“Oh. Probably the trap he left in your security system.” I told her bluntly, regaining her full attention.

“What?”“When I got here, I checked the security system before entering, the guy is a netrunner after all. He had the turrets set to kill any of your family that showed up. I fixed that before entering.”

She blinked, for the first time actually showing an emotion besides anger.


When I got the call back from Hiromi about where she was, I couldn’t help but laugh at where she had fled to.

Driving across town with a very twitchy Arasaka agent in my car wasn’t the most comfortable thing, but walking into Arasaka tower was even more so.

It took just a moment for Asuka’s mother to get access, but they stopped me cold as I had weapons on me.

Thankfully it didn’t matter as my team was right there with Asuka.

Not even our assassin would walk into Arasaka tower to try and finish his kill.

“Mom!” Asuka called out and ran over ignoring the annoyed looks from the security guards on duty, but mother and daughter didn’t care, and I relaxed as well. I had felt like the woman had a gun to my head the whole time we had waited for Hiromi to reach back out.

I stopped trying to get through security, not that they were going to let me in. Hiromi was chatting with Asuka, probably discussing the final payments and stuff. I went ahead and sent an update message to V.

*Motoko: Still alive. Failed to kill Thomas, he was good. Scary good. Nearly got me, I’m okay though. Asuka is alive and fine, and meeting up with her mom in the lobby of the Arasaka building. Sorry I couldn’t kill him to hype you up. Chat with you later.*

By the time I was done composing the message, Hiromi and my team came to me instead.

“Motoko! You’re okay!” Hiromi called out. As my chooms all surrounded me and checked me out.

“I’m alright. Vik took good care of me.” I reminded them, thankfully no one had seen how bad I was beaten up.

Of course that didn’t stop Hiromi from poking and prodding to check.

“How’s our client?” I asked mostly to distract her, seeing the teenager hugging her mother tightly was nice, not something you see in Night City much.

“Nervous, but probably feeling a lot safer now.” Ichi said and I watched his shoulders slump. “You had us worried there boss. Try not to pull something like that again, yeah? Not knowing if you had died, and I just ran off?”

“The gig was to protect the client… But yeah…” I muttered. I couldn’t help but try to keep everyone else out of trouble while I fought, but maybe having Ichi bring his gun to bear. Have Asuka help… Maybe we would have won instead of merely keeping the gig going.

I could have died. I took a deep breath and let it out. I had a lot of ways to keep myself alive. A lot of tricks and things with the System, but I really needed to stop taking on risks.

Thomas Anderson was out of my league. Going solo against a borg, like him? I should have known that was dumb.

Sure, if my stealth had worked I could have taken him out, but it hadn’t because of course a solo like that would have some ways to keep an eye on the area around him. That was the point. The difference between street thugs and professionals. Talent, skills, equipment.

“I’m glad you got her out of there Ichi, but yeah. I probably could have used your help.” I admitted and he looked both unhappy with the admittance, and pleased.

“Next time then.” He decided, and I did more than just agree.

“Next time… Next time we will be more ready. If we are going to take gigs like this we need more tools than what we have brought with us so far. It’s time to start upgrading.” I told my team and everyone looked interested in my words.

“Hey! Hiromi. Ichinose… Umm, Motoko, Right?” Asuka called out as she stood on the other side of the security area as she called out.

“Asuka.” Hiromi responded, turning fully to the girl and giving her a look.

“Hiromi… Thanks. That cyberpunk would have definitely flatlined me. So like, thanks. I owe you my life, and stuff.” She said awkwardly.

“The and stuff, is what we are more interested in Asuka. The contract was until your parents got back.” Hiromi said instantly, strictly professional. Aww Hiromi, Asuka was being all heartfelt. At least smile and give her a hug.

“Right. Yeah, here.” She offered and I could see both girls' eyes going blue as Hiromi was transferred credits.

“Asuka. I’m glad you’re okay.” Hiromi offered, sounding honest. Now you are nice? Hiromi! “Don’t forget Section 9 for any future bodyguard, or information gathering requirements.” Hiromi literally snuck in a slogan as well.

I snorted, and face palmed, unable to resist. That’s our corpo alright.

With that the gig was over. Asuka hurried back to her mother that brought her deeper into the tower, and Section 9 walked out of the front of Araska tower.

“Glad we are out of there.” I muttered.

“Yeah, tell me about it. Gives me the creeps.” Ichi and Malcolm both comment, earning a huff from Hiromi.

“There is nothing wrong with Arasaka tower.”

“Stepping into the front makes me feel like I’m about to charge into the tower to try and blow it up or something.” I muttered being honest with my chooms.


“That’s kinda cool.”

“YOU CAN’T!” Hiromi squawked and leapt at me trying to throttle me.

“Okay okay. It’s just how it makes me feel. Not something I plan on doing!”

“You better not!”

With Hiromi’s little overreaction I stilled and looked to my chooms. “So… After gig party?”

“Yeah!” Malcolm called out instantly, nearly jumping into the air. “This gig sucked, let’s party!”

“That’s because all you did was follow Hiromi around. Motoko and I are the ones that actually faced the borg.”

“No way, I’m glad I didn’t face this super borg! He took out Motoko!” Malcolm said pointing to me and I just huffed.

I was still irritated that I had been beaten so easily.

Sure I wasn’t like Maine, all seven and a half feet of chrome and death, but I had thought I could at least hold my own, but Thomas Anderson had taken me apart.

I would need to grind some more. I needed better equipment, better stats, and better chrome.

“What was it again?” I muttered as I threw my arms behind my head following my chooms as we all sauntered down the sidewalk to our cars. “High time I chrome the fuck up?”
