“Akari, don’t. Motoko, it’s Tyger Claw business like I said. Sorry if I’ve been distracted. We’re just busy. Give me some time, we can go get dinner or something later.” He tried to play it off.

“No, it’s okay, sorry for bugging you. Need anything? Want me to bring you guys food, or something?” I offered, I had definitely stepped in it, and Akari’s words rung in my head. Five of her subordinates had died. I don’t know how, and Jun was right. TC business. Not mine.

Jun shook his head, and he must be feeling okay because a moment later he pulled an XXL package out of his jacket pocket and started tearing into it.

Of course.

I watched as Jun and Akari settled back onto the couch, both teenagers putting their heads together. And I just… I should stay out of it. It wasn’t my business. I didn’t want to be involved in TC shit, but at the same time. This was eating at Jun, and I had never seen Akari so quiet, so downtrodden.

I liked Akari. Even if she was a literal Cyberpsycho, Jun liked her, and she liked him. I had a decision to make, and damn it. I was a busybody.

“Fuck it. Fill me in. You gonks definitely need help.” I said as I flopped on the couch beside Jun to look over the tablet he had been glaring at.


“Motoko, no. This isn’t your business.”

“It is when my brother is involved, besides, I’m not doing anything but hearing what is going on. I have skills you two don’t like netrunning and stuff. So hit me with what’s going on. I’m not saying I’ll act, but I can give you a new perspective.”

To my surprise Akari continued to be oddly quiet. Like kinda of scary quiet as she stared at me.

Jun sighed, rubbed his face. “Akari’s been given more and more responsibility by Fujimura-Sama. To expand her skill set.”

“He wants me to dechrome. But I’m useless at everything but killing.” She suddenly adds in sounding… Oddly mellow for the woman that was usually so frantic.

“So Akari’s been working as the boss for a drug business for Fujimura-Sama.”


Disgusting, and I want to help a whole lot less. “Go on.”Jun turned towards Akari who finally jerked a bit in a nod and spoke. “It was a big deal. We had a lot of product. I had it stored away in the base, that should have been it. Sell it off the next day. In the middle of the night someone hit us. Stole the product, killed some of the guys. We don’t know who it was. Fujimura-Sama is… Not happy.”

“Okay.” I said mostly to say something at the long pause after she got done. “Any clues? Camera recordings? Were the bodies killed by a unique weapon? Any of your guys suddenly missing as an informant?”

“We have very little.” Jun cut in as Akari… Her face was mostly plastic but she was looking pretty listless at every question. “The cameras were hacked. Someone good enough that our netrunners that checked into it couldn’t find anything. Our guys were all shot.”

“With what?” I prompted and got a blank look from my brother.

Oh god. He’s a himbo. They put him in charge of an investigation, but he had nothing but burrito fluff in between his ears.

“The bullets that killed your people. What caliber? Was it accurate shots, or spray? How many shots in total, casings? All of this is stuff that gives us information on who did it.”


Jun looked to Akari and she instantly put up her hands. “Don’t look at me… Fine. Fuck… It was low caliber rounds. I think… 9mm? There were a lot of casings. I made the boys that were left clean them all up. It took a while.” She said speaking slow as she seemed to dredge up the memories.

“Okay. So spraying like that? Probably just off the street thugs. If they were professional you would have a lot less bullets, and a lot more accurate… Probably.” I muttered. Did the guys who die shoot back?

I shook it off. “Where did it happen? When?” I asked and Jun shook his head going to deny me, when Akari just flicked the tablet over to me.

“See for yourself little killer.”

“Okay, so you lost some drugs, that’s not the end of the world or anything. How much did you lose? You can probably steal it back from someone else if we really have to. Or-”

“It was about ten million eddies worth of Glitter.” Akari said dully and I jerked up at the same time Jun turned to Akari and glared at her.

“Holy shit. Glitter? That shit is awful!” I instantly denied. Glitter was a newer drug on the streets. The kind of stuff that literally killed people who used it. Not just on overdose or something either. Weak constitutions would lead to your nervous system failing.

Don’t even get me started on the incredible addiction.

“Motoko. I said don’t get involved in this for a reason. This isn’t the sort of stuff… It’s not the sort of shit you should be involved with.” Jun said, reaching out and pressing his hands on my shoulders.

Well he wasn’t wrong.

“Good riddance then. Hopefully whoever stole it kills themselves by using that poison.” I said shrugging off his hands, but more than willing to wash my hands of this.

“Only problem is that Jun-Boy put his neck out on the line with me to help.” Akari said with a dull monotone and I could practically feel my neck creak as I turned to look at Jun.

“What does she mean by putting your neck on the line?”

“Not like that.” He denied instantly. “But we will both be punished for failing.” I noted instantly that he was dodging what that punishment would actually be.

“Stop hiding it from me. What punishment!”

“Yubitsume.” Jun offered, with a shrug. “Nothing to worry about.”

“What the fuck is Yubitsume?” I demanded and Jun refused to answer.

“You cut a part of yourself off and offer it to your boss for fucking up.” Akari offered, fluttering her fingers for a second. Some of that manic energy she always had before shining through. “It’s an old Yakuza thing originally I think? At least that’s how it was explained to me. It used to just be fingers, but well. Chrome makes that less of an issue now yeah? So they tend to make it hurt.”

“No one is cutting anything out of my brother!”

“Of course not. You have to do it to yourself.”

“Fuck that.” I said instantly. I knew I hated gangs for a reason. “I’m going to make some calls and get this solved. Fucking hell. Can’t believe I’m gonna be part of a drug deal. I feel gross just thinking about it.” I hissed as I rose up to go make some calls.

“Motoko Just drop it. Akari and I will figure it out, or pay the consequences and that’ll be that. It’s not a big deal. Just some time at a ripper and I’ll be fine.”

“It’s not fine!” I yelled, actually losing my temper as I turned around from where I had been heading into my room to make a private call. “It’s fucked up! So I’m not going to let it happen! I care about you! You! You! Stupid himbo! Get a brain! Gonk!”

Then I turned and stomped into my bedroom. Closing the door behind me quietly, because I don't like slamming doors even when angry.

“Fuck.” I took a breath and let it out and then made a call.

*Motoko! How are you?*

*I’ve been better, Hiromi, Jun is in some shit, but I had an idea. I want you to come over. I have something to run past you. I think I have an idea for how to start making some eddies. I’m going to call in Ichi and Malcolm too.*

*If it’s for Jun, I’m in! But eddies too? Now you have my attention!*


Section 9 was united in my room. All of us were unfortunately sitting on the floor.

Jun and Akari had been confused when my chooms started appearing but I hadn’t explained anything to the two utter morons.

Instead I just hurried them over to my room and told them to wait until everyone was here.

Now we were. Sitting cross legged on the carpeted floor like we were in elementary school again.

“Okay. Now that everyone is here. Let’s talk about the situation. Jun agreed to help out Akari. Akari was apparently in charge of protecting a drug shipment. Ten million eddies worth of glitter.”


“Whoa.” Malcolm and Ichi’s eyes both widened in shock. It was Hiromi who frowned.

“That’s a big shipment… Well it’s worth a lot, but isn’t that big… Ten kilos? Give or take.” She muttered and I looked at her in surprise for a moment.

“I’m going to ignore how scary it is that you know that off the top of your head Hiromi. Drugs are bad m’kay? You’ll tell me before you ever try any right?”

“It’s important information for anyone! Why don’t you know this!?” She demanded pointing at me, but Ichi and Malcolm both looked like they didn’t know as well, and were doing their best to hide that fact.

“Because I don’t deal in drugs Hiromi… Well. I didn’t I guess. Listen. If Jun and Akari don't find the shipment that was stolen then they will be punished. Badly.” I said seriously as I looked over my chooms.

“Alright. So we track down the thief. We can do that. I mean, your netrunning us backing you up. Should be easy enough.”

“The thieves had a netrunner as well, and scrambled the cameras. So that might not be as easy, but I have to try anyway.”

“Okay… One question.” Ichi asked cutting in, “I’m all for helping your brother Motoko. Don’t think this is against that, but you mentioned eddies.”

“Okay so here is the plan.” I outlined the idea and after a few moments Hiromi was practically buzzing with excitement.

“I’m in! I’m so in! This will look so good on my resume!”

“I’m glad we can help your corpo dreams Hiromi… I’m in too. If it works that would help. A lot. Plus it’ll make us useful.” Ichi said and nodded.

“Don’t look at me. I’m always down for this shit.” Malcolm agreed.

With all my chooms on board I threw my hand out into the middle. It took a moment to make me realize none of my chooms had any culture. “Put your hands out on top of mine.” I explained, definitely not pouting at their lack of knowledge. But after they did it.

I slammed my hand up, knocking everyone's hands into the air. “Section 9!” I called out happily. It didn’t matter that my chooms hadn’t joined in. They would learn for next time.



“Nope. Sorry Section 9 is too busy, can’t hear you!” I called out as the four of us all ran out of the apartment to our cars past Jun. I did poke my head back into the apartment before we disappeared for good. “Keep me apprised if you find anything! My team will be assisting in this investigation.” I informed Jun and then ran before he could ask any questions.

Sometimes you had to know when to run away so you couldn’t be denied permission.

We all traveled to the Straight Lane Apartments, and then down into my netrunning basement. Which I was glad to notice hadn’t had anyone try to sneak in.

We set up once again all of us at different terminals, although Ichi had actually stopped to get food and snacks before showing up. So my team wouldn’t be starving while I was in the net.

I finished hooking myself up and then laid back. A moment later I was in the net.

The digital world opened up before me, but despite my continued annoyance at myself for a weak lobby. I quickly rushed into the city traveling across the digital scape towards where the base Akari had been working out of had been.

It was just down the street from where we lived. A bar of all things that Akari had been responsible for managing as well as making sure drugs and other illegal things could be moved through it at will.

Plus there was some money laundering of course.

I shook my head as I came upon the area, and did my usual trick. I looked for other cameras that would have some overwatch of the building.

Even if a netrunner had been involved and scrambled the cameras on the bar, it wasn’t like they would have time to go through every business in the area. That took time.

At least the way I did it. As I checked out a pawn shop across the street I accessed their camera records. They of course saved their recordings in case of theft, or just for blackmail or something.

But as I checked the right time. The camera’s had shut off.

Dammit. It took time to hack into a camera networks recordings, but just turning them off? A few seconds.

*Okay whoever did this shut off cameras in the area. I want everyone to get me a list of shops and locations in the area that might have been missed. Check up the buildings, or just further down the streets, I’ll pull a copy here. So we know exactly when this camera was shut off.*

*We’ll handle it Motoko!* Hiromi chirped out an assurance, as I pulled the data and sent it off to my server as I pulled out and started looking for another business on the street.

We just needed a clue.


Four hours later we got one.

Four hours of breaking into every camera in the area. Spreading out further and further, trying to find the smallest viewpoint.

It was pure chance.

*Hey. This car. I think we have our target.* Malcolm asked over the comm as I was breaking into a more secure server.

It wasn’t going super well. The security was tighter and I was getting close to giving it up when the message came through.

I quickly looked over and pulled out entirely.

Malcolm had been looking over camera records basically just looking up and down the street and watching the time that the robbery took place.

It was in the middle of Night City. There were cars going down the street constantly, but Malcolm had been checking them all apparently. Looking for a hint that something wasn’t right.

An Archer Quartz drove up the street. Away from the area. It just so happened that there was a Tyger Claw sticker on the back window. Recognizable.

*Check the timing. See if that car was just passing through.* I called out.

*Already did. He took about twenty minutes to go across the street. Unless he stopped for a meal…*

*The cameras. Do they shut off as the car gets close?*

*Let me check.*

I pulled away from the server. Probably best to leave it alone with security this tight anyways. I didn’t leave the net though. Just hanging around on the dingy digital street. Glowing eyes glaring out from an alleyway in the digital world daring anyone gonk enough to mess with me.

*I think we have our man.* Malcolm confirmed after a few minutes.

*Alright. I’ll start trailing it backwards. Maybe we can find out who it is.*

*Give me a second, I have an idea.* Malcolm called once again and I did. Malcolm had been good at this sort of thing.

And I was right.

*Well well look at who we have here.* He said and he forwarded a video clip to me. A clip of the camera that was right across the street. One that had been shut off, but it had recorded for days before and after.

The day before a familiar car was parked out front.

*Everyone find me a picture of who was in that car!*

*On it!* I heard a chorus from my team, as I pulled up that file and started searching as well.

Haruka Itami. We had a picture of him leaving the shop that Akari owned.

Okay… Now I needed to back trace a car through Night City… Again.

I was starting to get a bad feeling that this back tracing trick I had started… It was going to be a horrifically common occurrence in the future wasn’t it?


We had lost the car a few blocks away, from both directions. Coming and going the car had taken the same path, but both times it had just disappeared. but we already had solutions for that.

*Okay. I’m going to back trace from the guys home address now.* I told the team as I started zooming across the city to find Haruka’s home.

The fact was an amateur like this wouldn’t have stayed hidden and secured from a netrunner his entire day. Most people don’t think about hiding where they had been before the gig.

I highly doubted a kid that stole from the TC would think to keep his entire day as a blackout. Doubt a netrunner good enough to have helped with this would have done it either.

So Haruka in essence would be an open book.

I stepped across the net. Smiling as I looked up to the massive flood of data that was Megabuilding H8. Thankfully I wouldn’t need to go inside.

I used a map of the real world and a bit of IP finagling to find a shop that would be facing the exit for the megabuildings garage.

I pulled the data after slipping into the shop's server and sent the file to my team. Pulling out I started on the next.

Time to broaden my net.

An hour later I was getting frustrated.

*Have we found anything yet?*

*No. Give us some time Motoko. We don’t know exactly when he left his home, you know? We have to basically search the whole day. And Ichi is searching after the drop off to see if we can back track him when he gets home after the heist.* Malcolm actually cut me off and I groaned as I was getting irritated at how long it was taking.

I had gone into a dozen shops all around the Megabulding. Going down each way of the street that connected to the megabuildings garage just to already have the camera data prepared when we finally spotted him.

Stupid Haruka. I pulled out of the servers and just stood out on the digital street again to take a break. I ended up staring at the high end traffic that came above me. Most of it was normal computer requests. So it was just light. Streaming through paths above. Basically just people accessing the shallows. But I was on the street below. The main level for netrunners.

Here was the netrunner streets. A place a normal computer couldn’t hope to reach. It was sort of peaceful. Not a lot of netrunners just walked around openly.

Plus I was in a pretty quiet part of town. Most runners would take the shallows to their destination and then drop into the street level.

So I wasn’t surprised that I hadn’t seen anyone. It felt a lot like I was in a private little world.

I was also bored.

No point in leaving the server. I didn’t want to pull the camera records and start searching through them. I wasn’t exactly in a private space. If I did that someone might notice and wonder why I had all these camera recordings I was going through.

So it was either pull back to the lobby, and work there, or wait.

Okay fine.

I zipped into the upper levels as a streak of light and then a moment later I was back in my empty lobby.

First thing I did was access a bit of programming that I hadn’t touched yet. The floor around me gained an actual texture. Lights appeared above my head first just globs of light, but with a bit of an adjustment I then had a roof, and lights attached to the roof with actual fixtures.

I added walls, but with wide massive windows that opened up to the digital city below. I didn’t alter the view like I could. I liked the digital city. I wanted it to feel like I was in the net.

The idea came to me and I added streaming neon lights, as part of the aesthetic.

Very Tron Motoko. You fucking nerd. I giggled, feeling myself relax a little as I created a circular couch that looked like fancy leather. A wide table along with a holographic TV in the middle, that I could display data on.

In the end. I had a very futuristic meeting room, despite the bright lights that flowed through the room, it was actually pretty retro. Almost like a mix between an old smoking room, and a neon aesthetic.

I liked it.

I settled myself onto the couch and started pulling from the camera data.

I needed to find Haruka, and here I could do it safely.
