I used Jun as a measuring stick. Switching to a new exercise whenever he did. Since despite all his chrome, my brother was a bit out of shape. Too many burritos.

My calves and thighs were burning but it felt good because I had gotten a few Body alerts as I exercised as well!

Then considering most of the stuff was already claimed I walked up to the punching speed bag. The small bag wasn’t my usual go to for exercises, but that actually worked to my benefit. I had done punching machines and such before, but never a speed bag.

Although with my chrome arms I wasn’t sure if I would actually get much out of it. I wasn’t exactly working muscles with my arms, but I wanted to try it anyway.

Plus it was free.

I stretched my legs bouncing a bit to work out the tired muscles as I walked up and hit the bag. It flopped fast, too fast.

I had vague memories of seeing people use the thing in the past, and I had even seen John use it as I walked in.


I held back and struck it again. It bounced and flopped much more controllably.

“Better.” A voice startled me and I looked back to see the old TC man himself. “Three count. Like this.” He informed me, walking up and striking the bag once, letting it three times before he struck it again, and instantly there was a balance.

He stopped right after. “Try again.”

I shrugged, a tap of my fist, and I waited. Then struck again. Then again. I got the pace down nearly instantly.

“Good. Now sw-”

I had already switched hands, starting to shift which hand struck the back, constantly changing the number of hits, and adjusting.


“Huh. You pick things up quick.” He complimented, and I shrugged as I moved.

“I know how to fight pretty well, used some punching machines before, just never a speed bag.” I informed him.

“Show me.” he demanded as he walked over behind the speed bag for a set of mitts. He slipped them on and waved me over.

I sighed. I was kinda just wanting to do my own thing. But I shrugged and walked over.

And then we started, I punched out and struck his mitts as he moved, and I moved with him, following him around striking the mitts even dodging his telegraphed swipes as I fell into the rhythm, and I could see him testing me. Starting slow before going faster and faster, telegraphing less and less to see where I stood.

Finally I had to block his mitt as I leaped back to keep from getting smacked in the face and he nodded. “You’re not bad kid. Who trained you?”


“No one really. For this anyways. Sensei at the Deravaja Dojo worked with me on some sword stuff.”

He scoffed at my words as he looked me over. “Well you either had years of training or you’re a natural.”

“The second actually.” Jun said suddenly as he walked over and pulled me in by the shoulder.

“Ew! Jun! You sweat beast! Gross!” I cursed at him as he had pulled me right into his stinky armpit.

Jun of course realizing what he had done just laughed at my horror as I wiped at my shoulder.


“John.” Jun greeted back, before nodding his head at me. “My sister is a genius. Most of the time anyways.”

“Gonk.” I retorted, flushing a little at being complimented. I mean. If you were going by how quickly I could learn something thanks to my system, I would be a super genius. But I also kinda wasn’t. So it was a bit embarrassing to be complimented for something that wasn’t really true, but something I couldn’t really argue.

“Huh. Well she gots some good hands.” John offered complimenting my punching skill.

But I couldn’t let that setup go. “Bought them myself.” I retorted a little sarcastically earning a blink from the older man before he actually let out a deep chuckle.

“Got me there kid. Got me there. You done already Kusanagi?” John asked and Jun shrugged. “I can’t wear myself out. I have work tonight.”

Both of us looked to Jun with eyes filled with disappointment.

“Don’t get fat Jun-nii.”

“I’m not fat!” He actually shouted and everyone looked at him. Jun had that moment of realization that he had spoken a little too loud. “I’m not fat.” He poked me with a finger, but in the end he did turn around and go work on a treadmill sort of thing for a while.


“Have fun?” Jun asked as we both headed up on the elevator.

“Exercise isn’t really fun to me.” I answered. Sure, I had eventually forgiven John for bothering me when he pulled me into some more exercises that had pulled another Body Alert from my system. I enjoyed the results, but the act itself was mostly just drudgery, if not for Cool keeping me on task, I probably would have stopped long before even Jun.

Although… It was kinda nice though to get my muscles burning again.

“Heh. You had a happy look on your face though?”

“I did not!”

“Ah I see. John is married you know?”

“Wha? JUN!”

“What? You like olde-” I punched him instantly for daring to utter such lies!

“I do not like older guys!” I yelled as the elevator door opened and into the face of the woman that was standing there.

The woman was wearing a cool leather like jacket neon lights lighting it up in a strobe effect, her hair glowing to a musical beat that she was also nodding her head to. She had a guitar strapped over her back, and as I looked on she blew a bubble of pink bubblegum and popped it.

She was, in one word, cool.

And probably Rockerboy neighbor.

“Nice guitar.” I offered, unable to say anything else. I recognized the model from the music shop, although I couldn’t remember the name. I wasn’t exactly an instrument hound after all.

“It does what I need.” She muttered cooly, hip cocked to the side and looking us over. Although I noticed her eyes were mostly on Jun.

“Jun, right? You just moved in.” She greeted, her eyes practically flashing.

“Yeah. Nice to meet you.” He said, still fighting off chuckles at my previous yell.

“Preem. You should come see the show sometime.” She offered and reached into her guitar bag and pulled out a leaflet. “TC get a discount.” She added and Jun took the leaflet. I stood up on my tiptoes to take a look.

Huh. Apparently the girls band, Violent Hemorrhage was playing at a club not far from here. There was a picture of the girl herself obviously the lead on the leaflet.

“Cool.” I muttered, because it was pretty cool. I wonder what kind of music she played? Maybe we could jam together some time? I haven’t had the chance to play with someone else yet.

“I might show up.” Jun offered and the girl smirked, and I instantly realized she was flirting.

Gross! She was flirting with Jun!

Why were all of these girls interested in Jun!? He was a burrito addict! And he throws his socks everywhere!

“What kind of music do you play?” I asked, looking towards the girl, and she just scoffed.

“Should be fairly obvious, no? The Violent Hemorrhage play NeoRock Electrosmash.”

“What the hell is NeoRockSmash?” I asked instantly because suddenly I felt like I was in the mid 2000’s again and everyone was talking about New Rave Hyperpop Synth-Electroclash. Or something similarly gibberish.

The girl looked like she was going to say something biting, but Jun was right there, and she smoothed out and instead just spoke with the most syrupy sweet voice. “Maybe just stick with pop.”

Okay cool girl. First off? No one tells me to listen to pop music.

Secondly, this means war.

My narrowed eyes obviously spoke my intent because she just rolled her eyes and looked to Jun. “See you around Kusanagi.” She said, sounding very sultry and she sashayed into the elevator past us. Pointedly almost rubbing against Jun as they nearly jostled at the entrance, and then.

The elevator shut.

“I don’t like Rockerboy Neighbor.” I said instantly. To make sure Jun wasn’t getting any weird ideas.

Like sexual interest.

“She’s a bit rude, yeah.” He agreed and I smiled at him for saying what I wanted. Jun could find way better girls than her! Even if she was cool!

And she had that don’t fuck with me attitude that was pretty awesome. Stupid Cool Rockerboys.

But I would rather Jun get with Akari… Or Rita! Rita was a good choice! Better than Cool rockerboy girl.

I was gonna wipe that stupid smug smirk off her face. I decided right then.

“I’m gonna go take a shower and practice.” I told Jun and started for the apartment.

“Practice what?” He asked, following after as I stomped off.

“Music of course!”


Of course it was only mid shower that I remembered that Malcolm was injured and I took a moment to cool my irritation at Rockerboy girl to put that to the side, so I could get ready and go to hang out with Malcolm. Because my choom was more important.

Of course I wasn’t the only visitor as I stomped down the stairs to Vik’s clinic.

Ichi had finally been told to go home that morning apparently, but Hiromi was there when I stepped down into Vik’s clinic.


“Hey Hiromi. Hey Malcolm, how you feeling?” I asked as I walked over to where the two were hanging out. Pulling off my Guitar and setting my Music box to the side so I could give some hugs to my chooms. Malcolm still rested on the Ripper chair Hiromi pulled up next to him with a tablet in her hands. It only took me a moment to realize the two of them were playing games.

Aww. Hiromi had come to play videogames with Malcolm!

I kept the laughter of delight on the inside as I pulled up a chair to watch the two playing the game.

And instantly wanted to die.

The game was shit. Garbage. Full of microtransactions, and the screen was at least 40% ads built into the hud.

I could feel my soul leaving my body as the two were happily playing as if this was acceptable.

I couldn’t make heads or tails of the actual gameplay. It looks sort of like a farmville clone? But there weren’t plants, instead I realized what it was when Hiromi pulled up a menu and I saw the name of the game.

“Corporate Commander?”

“Yeah! It’s fun. You run a startup corp and have to survive and grow and stuff. Malcolm and I play it sometimes, I figured with him stuck in a chair it was a perfect time to finally kill that bitch Excel Corp!”

“Hiromi, they are obviously more than willing to throw thousands of eddies into the game. I don’t think we are going to beat them today. Or ever.” Malcolm seemed to remind Hiromi who pouted and looked angry at the game.

Huh, Hiromi was pretty competitive.

“Motoko! Since you are here, you should join Mitsunashi Industries! We could use a few more Subsidiaries!” Hiromi said, smiling with a big grin.

A feeling struck me. I looked to Malcolm.

“Hiromi, are you using the fact Malcolm can’t run away to force him to help your video game company?”

“No! Never! Malcolm is a proud member of the Mitsunashi Industries Conglomerate!”

“That’s exactly what is happening.” Malcolm offered instead never taking his eyes off the tablet he was playing on.

Hiromi’s jaw dropped as she spun towards Malcolm. “Malcolm!” I couldn’t restrain my laughter as Hiromi looked absolutely offended at the reveal.

But the fact she ended up looking a little embarrassed after a moment told me it was probably pretty close to the truth anyways.

Malcolm looked up and threw me a wink though. So obviously he was cool with it.

“Hiromi…” I trailed off meaningfully and she flushed a little red at the disappointment in my voice.

Then I just smiled and threw an arm over her shoulders. “Silly gonk.”

“You’re the gonk.” She mumbled but left it at that.

“What’s with the guitar and stuff Motoko?” Malcolm asked and I smiled as I pulled away from Hiromi and grabbed my stuff.

“Well obviously with my choom laid up on a ripper chair he would need something to help stave off the boredom! So I figured I could play some music while we hang out. Any requests?” I asked him and he perked up a bit at the idea.

Then Hiromi cut him off. “Wait! You’re gonna play for Malcolm!? You made such a fuss when I got you to play for Jun and I! Motoko! No fair!”

“Malcolm is injured. He gets special treatment Hiromi.” I reminded my choom which she just puffed her cheeks at me pretending to be annoyed and then we both burst into giggles as one.

Malcolm mumbled something I didn’t catch, but it sounded like “These two gonks.” And then he spoke louder. “I don’t care. I just want to see you play something. You’ve been all secrety about it.” He told me and I laughed. That was pretty true.


“Okay I have some a few songs I think you’ll like.” I said as I grabbed my music box and plugged in. Nirvana should be pretty on point for Malcolm, and I already had Smells Like Teen Spirit finished.

So I settled in and after a moment my hands hit the chords. I was doing my best to ignore my chooms both staring at me, as the emitters started up and the drums slammed into the intro.

As I played through the song Malcolm seemed into it, nodding his head, while Hiromi was fully engaged, eyes wide which I noticed as I finally looked up from my guitar and our eyes met, her face flushed in excitement as I sang for the crowd of two.

“Ow.” Malcolm said, suddenly hissing and wincing as he shifted and moved to hold his side.

“Malcolm!” The song ended instantly music box turned off, as I stood up, but he waved me off.

“I’m fine. I just jerked a bit! I’m okay. Heh. Good song Motoko. I was getting into a bit too much.” he replied and I sat back down with a sigh. Whew.

“Maybe something more low key?” I asked and Malcolm and Hiromi both shook their heads, Hiromi standing up and pointing.

“Finish the song Motoko! Better yet! Start again! Repeat! Put it on loop!”

“Pfft. Ow, Hiromi don’t make me laugh so hard.” Malcolm gasped struggling not to laugh so hard it hurt him.

“I wouldn’t mind hearing it from the start as well.” A new voice called out.

“Hey Vik!” I chirped, waving as the ripper finished walking in. He had been resting against the entrance way listening as the song finished.

“Motoko, I remember you mentioning picking up the guitar as a hobby, but that was good work there kid.” He said as he walked over and grabbed his chair rolling over to us once he was down.

“Well. I’m still learning and everything.” I demurred, but Vik’s dad energy wasn’t going to let me go that easy.”

“Nonsense, that was excellent. What song was that? Never heard that band before.”

“Ah… The song was Smells Like Teen Spirit. Uh… No band. I mean. I don’t have one.”

“Wait! Motoko! You wrote that yourself!?” Malcolm asked, gasping and I didn’t say anything. I mean, it wasn’t like I could say it was Nirvana.

They don’t exist here.

And saying I wrote it was… Yeah that made me uncomfortable. So I didn’t say anything.

“I’ll play it from the start for you Vik. But just… Don’t tell anyone okay? It’s embarrassing.”

Vik literally just laughed at me, but he had a big smile so I forgave him. Then I started playing again.

“Load up on guns, bring your friends!”


It was still a little embarrassing to play songs in front of people, but Malcolm liked the music, and him being hurt was more important.

I had taken a few breaks from time to time working on making new songs to my chooms surprise, as I put together an entire song in just an hour or so before putting on a rendition of Lithium Flower.

But then I got a call from my current contracted merc. “Hang on guys. Got a call.” I told my chooms who were distracted with their games anyway.

*Hey Jackie! How goes?*

*Hoh. Easy enough Hermanita. An easy gig is an easy gig. Went around flashed pictures of your targets. Got a whole lot of run around stories, but I’ve spent most of the day eating burgers.* Jackie broke into a laugh at that and I smiled along with him.

Jackie had of course been the merc that I thought of first when I needed someone to be visibly snooping around Rancho Coronado. Jackie was the perfect fit. Big enough that no one would want to fight him while he was asking questions, friendly enough that the few that did would end up letting it go, especially when he would be very visibly lazily following the requirements to find the gonks.

Spending most of his time eating food and hanging out.

*You sure you don’t want me to actually try and find these gonks? I’ve had a few people hint they wouldn’t mind letting me know for a certain amount of eddies. Apparently your targets aren’t well liked. Even if one of them is the nephew of some important choom in 6th St.* He said suddenly and I had to frown at that.

I hadn’t considered that it might be easy to find them. That 6th St. and the people in the suburbs might not like the gonks. And one of them was highly connected. That did complicate things.

*Tempting.* I finally admitted but shook it off. *If you can get the info cheap, then I wouldn’t mind. I’ll even throw in a bonus, but I don’t want you to push too hard.*

*Yeah Hermanita I remember your plan. No problem. I’ll keep letting everyone think I’m just not that interested, and if I do end up with their location then I’ll let you know. How’s little Malcolm holding up?*

I smiled at Jackies question, he had been pretty mad when he learned Malcolm had been shot. I guess for Jackie just a single gig and then a bar trip was enough to make them chooms.

*Malcolms okay. Looking better already. Vik says he’ll be back on his feet by the end of the week.*

*Good. Glad to hear that Hermanita. Alright then. I’ll update you again tomorrow, but I got a beer and a burger with my name on it.* He said, sounding cheerful as the call disconnected.


Eventually Malcolm's mother came into the clinic and despite Hiromi and I’s best efforts to stick around to enjoy the look on Malcolm's face, we did eventually have to leave.

Malcolm's mom was super embarrassing for him. I think if we hadn’t left he might have just finished himself off to save himself the trouble.

Unfortunately Hiromi needed to head home.

“I have homework I’ve been putting off, and well, Malcolm is a good excuse but my teachers won’t accept it, and then my ‘rents will be on my case.” She whined at me as we walked over to our cars.

“I get it. We’ll meet up soon! Once Malcolm is feeling better we should all go out and have a night to relax.” I offered and Hiromi seemed to perk up.

“Yeah! I’ll get through this week and then it’ll be a party night! I’ll find out if there’s anything going on this weekend! Be prepared Motoko! Because I’m going to drag you to the preemest places!”

I just laughed as Hiromi hopped onto her bike and drove off with a waving arm behind her.

I slipped into the Quadra and decided to head home.

I was still taking a break from anything, murdery related and so I was gonna go flop on the couch. Maybe do some more coding work?

No. I shook my head. I’ll go hit the gym some more. I could use some mindless exercise time. It had actually been…

