“Holy fuck.” I whispered. Staring as actual deja vu struck me.

I had gotten some deets from Wakako about this location. After I cleared out her gig location which was a waste of time. Only three Scavs working in a small cell, but she had at least started selling me more info.

Considering one of the places I hit had already been cleared out maybe an hour before me. I realized Wakako was being sneaky and selling me the locations the TC knew about.

Whatever. It didn’t matter to me.

But I had pulled into an underground parking garage for this apartment complex, stepped out and walked to the elevator, and it was only as it opened did it strike me.

I knew this place.

I had been here before. Many times. The elevator was old. Covered in graffiti. Old metal that looked rusted and stained.


But I knew where I was. This was the same Elevator that V and Jackie would walk into in a few years to rescue… what was her name? Sandra something?

The first gig.

And I was staring at the entrance to it all. I checked the information. Floor 15. I didn’t know if it was the same floor as V went to in the future, but it didn’t matter.

I pushed the nostalgia away.

I stepped inside.

The ride up was quiet, the elevator did stop on the fifth floor suddenly. The doors opened revealing a normal looking man that made to step in before stopping when he caught sight of me.


Our eyes met. Then slowly the door shut without him making a move to enter.

Kinda rude but alright.

It continued on ever upwards then it opened.

A very familiar hallway.

The room I was looking for was 1237, and as I approached I knew.

This really was the first gig. Somehow I was here two years early clearing out a bunch of Scavs.


Wait didn’t they come back to this place again after V cleared them? Was I going to have to go back and check on all the previous Scav dens to make sure they didn’t come infest the place again!?

Once again I shook it off. I stood before the door.

It opened with a look. The security far too weak to stop me.

The familiarity hit me. The first room was beaten down, but mostly used as a kitchen. A table and food left out. To my surprise the place was quiet. No pounding music, or anything. Just an eerie silence.

I moved to the doorway to the next room. Peering in. A ripper lab. But no bodies were left around. It was kind of quiet.

I nodded. This wasn’t the first den tonight that had gotten word of what was going on. That had realized that the TC were hunting Scavs dens. I had found one just before this den that had been completely empty. Whatever Scav group that had held it abandoning the merchandize at the threat.

I stilled before I entered the room. Something struck me as wrong. My eyes flashed into a scan and after a few moments I found it.

A laser.

Huh the Scavs had some brain cells after all. They had placed a fucking mine of all things in the little hallway.

I remembered the last time I had tried to defuse a mine and scowled a bit.

Fine! I leapt easily avoiding the trigger and landing in the next room. Old blood, but no bodies. Yeah they probably were a bit too busy to go klep some people. What with the whole territory searching for them.

I moved. Eyes flashing in scans constantly to make sure I wasn’t walking into another trap.

The next room to my disappointment was empty as well. But I knew this place. So I didn’t follow along. I moved towards the outside porch laughing as I followed the edge, and instead peeked in through the windows, uncaring that I was fifteen stories off the road far below.

The main room that I remembered had been secured up. Crates and couches set up to give cover. I quickly pinged the first gonk I could see, and hummed as the web of connections grew before my eyes.

The connections to what I guessed were mines at the entrances were ignored.

Not any danger to me.

I moved. Jumping along the edge of the building until I reached the second outer porch. To my delight someone was out there, smoking a cigarette.

I dropped a Weapon Glitch on the entire group as I leapt landing behind the gonk who was sitting in a crappy lawn chair. I prepped my leg bringing it really far back and then let it all out.

His scream echoed long and loud as he went over the edge.

Then it was on.

I moved both hands full of gun as I leapt inside. Gonk number one got four Lexington Rounds into his chest, dropping him. The next got a single shot through a wall. Burya as always dominating any lesser weapons as that one round was all I needed.

Then I came up to my feet facing the little main room that had all sorts of defenses set up.

The Scavs weren’t slow. Weapons were raised. Triggers were pulled. Nothing happened. And then their eyes went dark.

I tore through them. A monster gunning them down without hesitation. Their little pillbox of crates and armor turned into their tomb as I simply walked around the exterior and put bullets into bodies.

I reloaded whenever needed, hands a blur. Rapid Reload turning the act even while dual wielding into a blur of movement, and action.

This group of scum wasn’t even worth drawing my Katana this time.

I checked with a ping after I killed all the ones in front of me. Only the static mines and things registered back, but I wanted to be sure.

No survivors. So I started walking through the building checking every room, just to make sure.

As I came upon the back door to the little Scav den, only then reminding me that I didn’t have to walk through the ‘front’ entrance. I scoffed at myself as I opened the door and stepped out casually wiping some blood off of my arms when I noticed it out of the corner of my eye.

I blinked.

“Motoko?” Jun asked as he, Akari, and two other men I didn’t know were all piled in front of the main door to the Scav den looking like they were about to breach it.

“Heeey Jun.” I greeted, feeling a little weird. Was it weird to walk into my brother in the middle of something like this? I mean… It kinda felt weird.

“Motoko!” He roared and charged at me and I yelped, instantly my mind realizing that if I ran for the elevator Jun would catch me.

Well fuck it I turned back into the den and ran.

Instantly I realized the problem.


“Fuck.” I growled, drawing my Burya and firing a single round ahead of me. Wincing as the explosion nearly sent me back a step, but that at least cleared the path.


“I’m fine! Just watch for mines! They thought that would be enough! Bunch of gonks amiright?” I called back as I broke out into a run.

“Motoko!” Jun roared and I was getting serious Resident Evil vibes. Was Jun a Nemesis now only able to yell out the name of his target?

I ran to the patio and skidded to a halt as I turned, seeing Jun approach.

“What do you want Jun? I’m kinda busy.” I called out and he stalled at my sudden discussion, his face twisting into confusion before he glared at me.

“This is dangerous! You are coming with us! We can- MOTOKO!” He yelled in horror as I turned and just jumped.

Nah Jun. I don’t feel like being babied right now. Scavs to kill and all that.

The patio was fifteen floors up. And it overlooked a street far far below. But across the way were more buildings, and apartments.

My leap took me out into the clear sky between them.

The air rushing past me was exhilarating as I leapt from the patio across the gap between buildings.

It was a far jump. Crossing an entire street in a single leap. But I could make it. My ankles gave me incredible hops and I still had Parkour and Cat-like to handle the landing.

I hit the ground and rolled skidding to a stop and then I turned.

Jun was across the way. And a few floors up.

Our eyes met.

“No.” I told him simply. Not that he could hear it. Then just to prove the fucking point. I walked up to the edge, and leapt off that too.

A single floor down I landed, and then bounced down to the next.

I was about thirteen floors up.

Thirteen jumps? That wasn’t exactly a problem.

I left Jun far behind. Even if he took an elevator I would still be on the ground long before he could catch up.

Down I went, Parkour’s instincts guiding me into a delightful drop down the side of a skyscraper.

I leapt, rolled, flipped, and slid down the building in a single natural movement that left me breathless in delight.

Then I was on the sidewalk. Startling more than a few people as I dropped from the sky to land in a crouch among them. I rose up, brushed myself off and walked to the crosswalk.

Unfortunately while that was cool my Kusanagi was parked in the parking garage connected to the first apartment building. So I had to hurry to ensure Jun wasn’t going to catch me.

I took a second to look at a wrecked car on the side of the road. That hadn’t been there befoooore. Oh. That was a dead Scav on the hood. I very quickly looked away and felt the urge to whistle innocently rush through me.

Honestly officer I have no idea how that Scav got there!

As I slipped into the garage I noticed to my surprise Fujimura was there. Leaning against a car another car behind him.

Huh. Well wasn’t my problem. I walked into the shadows and slipped over to where I parked my Kusanagi.

Only when I started the engine did Fujimura twitch. My head lights came on blinding him for a second but then I was off driving right past him.

Our eyes met. Then I was gone.

I had more Scavs to kill. No time for politics today. Politics was future Motoko’s problem.



“Okay Jun-chan. While that is kinda annoying… Your kid sister is fucking preem, cause fuck that. I would not jump off a fucking building like that.” She chirped standing beside the big lug that had been standing at the edge of the building watching the tiny figure of his sister get smaller and smaller.

She meant it too. A long fall like that was a good way to kill yourself. Being heavier than normal, meant most borgs didn’t like heights. Too easy for something to give way and send you tumbling a few stories to your death.

No response? Can’t have that! She budged him with her shoulder not getting a response even then.

So she poked him.

“Fuck Akari!” Jun-chan snapped eyes blazing and growling. Ah good! That’s right look at her! Pay attention to her!

“Oh no Fujimura-sama! Jun-chan yelled at me!” She whined aloud not sending that over the call. Fujimura would just scold her after all.

“C’mon let’s go.” He growled stomping away although he didn’t get far. He checked out the main room and the little blood bath his cute little sister had left behind.

Akari smiled, despite being a little scared at just how far out on the edge little Motoko was.

Jun was stable enough. Especially with Motoko helping, but who the fuck just walked through Scav dens like this solo? Not just that, but did so as a teenager? Girl would be dead soon. She’d bite off more than she can chew.

Or everything in Night City would try only to find her too tough.

“Do you think your little sister is more like gristle or fat?” She asked Jun-chan only to get ignored.

Oh well, worse for him, she wouldn’t share her worry about his sisters death then.

Seriously, who jumped off buildings like that?

She poked her foot into the guts of a Scav nodding as he didn’t even shift. Dead for sure.

“So did she chip in a bunch of chrome or something?” She asked honestly. There was half a dozen Scavs in this room. In a little defended space, weapons littered the area. Enough stuff that Akari wouldn’t have wanted to attack without her Sandy ready to start up.

But she was already out of that for the night. Her neck still felt burning. Like when she burned her tongue while eating something hot and then even if you are eating your favorite it doesn’t taste right only like burning.

That’s how Akari knew she had pushed her Sandy too hard. It had stopped feeling good the last time. Now it just burned.

“Motoko is a genius. She can do anything if she puts her mind to it.” Jun said suddenly, with the surety of an older brother hyping up his little sibling.

Yeah Akari called bullshit. Motoko was kinda off. Had been since they first met. Not many kids are stupid enough to pick a fight with a Cyberpsycho. Akari had almost killed her that first time when she hadn’t lost fast enough.

Hmm. No even someone who could last with a Katana against her wasn’t enough to survive this. Too much experience was needed here.

The warning about mines was telling, but more than that.

A normal person, couldn’t walk against a defended position and just kill everyone. Akari looked at the numbers and decided instantly that alone this would have been dangerous for her. She likely would have been shot a few times.

“C’mon. We have more Scavs to kill.” He grunted not hearing her internal monologue which was totally his fault. Jun should really learn how to read her a bit better. He wouldn’t ever get into her pants if he didn’t… Well maybe even so. She followed after him, eyes firmly locked onto his butt.


The sun was rising.

I noticed it in surprise as I let the Scav I had just killed was dropped onto the floor. Another small place cleared out. Only five gonks in this one. Just big enough to go kidnap a few people from time to time.

Well they were dead now.

“Until tomorrow night then.” I decided. Shutting off the BD recorder.

I wasn’t tired, but I was basically out of Scav dens.

I stepped out of the little shop the Scavs had killed the owners for and taken over. My Kusanagi parked not far down the sidewalk I walked over and slipped on.

What a night.

I didn’t even want to look at my system yet. I had a feeling numbers would have gone up quite a bit. I would need some time to look it over, and doing that while driving was dumb.

But I also wasn’t ready to head home yet.

I drove over to Lizzies. I had a feeling since the sun was literally rising Judy would probably be sleeping, if the club was even open, but I wanted to drop off my new virtu to her.

Scav Extermination: Night 1. Would probably be popular enough considering how many of the fuckers I had murdered tonight. Not that it was enough. I don’t think it would ever feel like enough.

I shouldn’t have been surprised though when I pulled up to Lizzies it was still open. Still busy.

That’s Night City for you. No Rita standing out front which is a disappointment, but I was stopped before I could walk in, the bouncer in Rita’s spot firmly standing in my way.

“If you are here for trouble turn around.” The bouncer said instantly, I could see the way she gripped her spiked baseball bat tightly that she was definitely uncomfortable.

I stopped.

Then I face palmed.

“Shit, sorry. I’m covered in blood aren’t I?” I asked rhetorically as I looked myself over and winced.

Yeah I had a few bullet holes in my Leotard. My right arm was literally rusty red from all the times I slit someones throat and got splattered. And I could feel some of my hair sticking together for the same reason.

“Just a bit.” The bouncer said warily, and I winced.

“Dangit. Sorry I was just here to drop something off for Judy. I didn’t even think… I’ll come back later.” I said instantly. Yeah I doubted the Mox wanted some crazy blood stained teenager walking through their bar.

“You do that.” The bouncer offered, but she wasn’t calming down.

I was probably throwing all sorts of Cyberpsycho vibes.

Which was totally unfair!

I turned around. I would bother Judy later. I think I just needed a shower, and a change of clothes.


The moment I walked into the apartment I was irritated. The bottom floor had a couple of Tyger Claw toughs hanging around. Taking over the table that was usually used up by the old men to play their board games.

They noticed me instantly and went for guns, then visibly relaxed at the sight of me and settling back down.

“Morning! No one has gone into your place!” One of the men greeted standing up with a lazy saunter of a man trying to pretend calm.

I was still covered in blood after all.

“That’s good.” I muttered not interested in this entire conversation in the least.

“Yeah. So you’re the Oni’s sis huh? Hah you certainly got the same look dontcha. Coming home covered in Scav blood. How many of those fuckers you flatline tonight huh?” He asked casually with a smile, and a weird slouch.

It took me a second to realize the guy was trying to be friendly.

No. Something was off. He was smiling a little wide, and the way he was dressed…

Was this guy trying to flirt with me while I was covered in other people's blood?

Well I could certainly give him points for bravery. Yet. There was something still off. The way he moved. The way he looked. He was dressed nicely. High end. The sort of look you would take out to a party, but not one where you would be stuck guarding some gonks apartment. My nose twitched and I could even smell a bit of cologne.

Wait. Was Fujimura going at me another way? Was Fujimura trying to honey dick me!?

Nope. I refused to even continue to consider this. “I’m gonna go.” I said instead of answering his question. I raised my hand and pointed to the elevator. “Excuse me.”

“Whoa hey, you don’t need to delta so quick! We’re here to help out ya know? So you need anything? Some food. A run to the store for something? Whatever it is, we’re, you know, here to handle whatever you need!” He called out as he sort of walked after me, but nope.

I was not in the mood to deal with this.

I refused to look at him too. I could already practically hear the wink he threw at me, and if I saw it, I might just have to punch him.

“I’m good. Thanks.” I said and turned away from the elevator and jogged up the stairs. The elevator would definitely slow me down and end with me trapped in an enclosed space with him. My legs pumped as I hurried up the stairs. Leaving him far behind.
