385 Lossmagic

A few days ago, when Eric met Vin to give him some advice, there were some Blood Faction members present in the room.

They already knew that Eric Herod was related to Asher Greville, so they reported the fact to Leonard, who was interested to know why someone like Eric was meeting Vin Hargrave.

"That guy interacts with a lot of low-ranking students," One of the Third Year Students said.

"Keep your eyes on Vin Hargrave," Leonard told them as he looked at the Stage.

What others took for granted, Leonard didn't.

Any small variable that he chose to ignore could become a big trouble in the future.


And the person involved was not any low-ranking student.

It was the son of the Family Head of the Hargrave Family. Someone who Leonard was already keeping his eyes on.

Leonard didn't like when things got out of his control.

What he didn't know was that him being careful would bite him in the leg.

It was not only Leonard that was keeping his eyes on Vin, but Jayden himself was doing the same.

Vin's few wins made Jayden a bit suspicious.


But what made Jayden turn on Leonard was the fact that some fourth-year students saw Vin interacting with the Blood Faction members.

Jayden had told them to stay out of sight, so they didn't approach them, but they confirmed that the Blood Faction was involved with Vin.

But it was not true at all.

What those guys were doing was asking Vin about Eric and how he was involved with him.

Due to Vin's status, they couldn't threaten him, so they appeared friendly in front of him.

This was a small misunderstanding that could have been solved if either party had taken the initiative to communicate with each other.


But Leonard liked having a few cards up his sleeve, and he wanted to use this information to turn Jayden Hargrave against Asher.

It was a clever plan, as Jayden, who was already cautious of Asher, would finally get a reason to go against Asher.

Jayden, who already was aware of Leonard's personality, didn't even bother confirming whether it was true or not.

"I will choose the Student Council," Jayden announced.

At this moment, the faces of all the Blood Faction members changed.

They were sure of their victory, but everything crumbled in front of their eyes.

Even Raelyn was surprised how she won the voting when she had already given up.

"Look at their faces," Damian said as he looked around.

"Their reaction is obvious. They were supposed to win today," Amelia replied.

With Leonard Tarvian winning against Raelyn, most students thought that Blood Faction had already won.

Leonard was still in shock.

But instead of being confused, he was thinking where things went wrong for him.

Something didn't make sense to him.

'I lost?' Leonard said in his head.

This was the first time when his plans had failed, and he didn't even know how.

Suddenly, a student raised his hand.

Farnus glanced in the direction as the student stood up.

"But wasn't it decided that the Fourth Year wouldn't vote, so his vote shouldn't count," One Blood Faction member spoke out.

The other Blood Faction members nodded their heads and supported his argument.

At this point, Zoie stood up as well.

"But it's a tie, right? And you didn't object when this was decided, so why are you being upset now?" Zoie said.

Suddenly, a heated argument started.

"Stop," Farnus said as his mana took over the room.

Every single student stopped.

"The Result has been decided already. Do any of you two have any objections?" Farnus said, looking at Leonard and Raelyn.

Leonard wanted to object, but he simply couldn't.

He couldn't lose the influence he had gained over others so soon.

"But because the result was a Tie, I will allow the Blood Faction to remain as a group, but the Authority they had previously will be reduced," Farnus announced.

The Authority to challenge the Student Council and a few other things that they had taken for granted would be stripped from them.

Instead of immediately removing Blood Faction, Farnus made a slight change and allowed the faction to exist.

"You two can go back to your seats," Farnus said as Raelyn and Leonard walked down the Stage.

Raelyn was smiling as she saw Kevin and his friends cheering for her.

Asher looked at the two of them, and he already knew that the result would go in favor of the Student Council.

Looking at the Hidden Quest, he cleared something related to changing the future of World Academy.lights

That only meant that the Student Council would win.

In his previous life, Leonard won, and his plan was implemented when the Seven Students were given the seats to govern the Student Assembly.

Surprisingly, Elena and Kevin were part of the Seven chosen students with Amelia as well.

Blake Cranston was the fourth one, with Jack Allister as Fifth One and Velmond Louis, the Rank 2 of Second Year Students and another member of the Blood Faction.

The three committees were removed, and their Authority was shared among the Seven Seats.

Leonard introduced something similar to the High Council in World Academy.

"Now, I would like to announce the Top 5 Students from Each Year," Farnus said as the names were displayed behind him.

Everyone clapped as they saw the names.

Alyssa also looked at her name, and her rank had decreased, but she was still Rank 5.

The new First Year Rankings were Asher as Rank 1, Kevin as Rank 2, Matthew as Rank 3, Lishia as Rank 4, and Alyssa as Rank 5.

"These are based on your overall performance throughout the Year," Farnus said.

"Especially the ones in the First Year, the Top 5 will receive the privilege to enter the Trials Ground," Farnus announced.

Asher had already received the token to enter, but this was not the case for others.

"Enjoy the night," Farnus said as he disappeared.

"You could have been Rank 5 if you had not surrendered," Damian said, looking at Amelia.

"Not really, her overall strength was greater than mine," Amelia replied.

And it was true. The scores were based on their performance, and Alyssa's last spell was certainly deemed powerful enough to beat Lishia.

"Princess, congratulations on being Rank 4," Kiara said with a smile.

"Thanks," Lishia replied.

"I am sure you can defeat that Rank 3 guy in the future," Kiara said, looking at her.

"Maybe, I am not sure, but I will try," Lishia replied.

"It's a pity both of us had to graduate at the same time, but I hope you have a good time at World Academy," Kiara said, looking at Lishia.

At this time, many guests were looking in their direction as they were curious about the Princess of Halcyon, but because of Kiara, nobody was approaching them.

But a certain person wearing a white suit stood up, and he attracted a lot of attention from every guest.

He walked up to a certain table that everyone was ignoring till now.

"Nice to meet you, Asher Greville," He said as Asher turned his head to look at him.

"I am Cade Cranston. Can I join your table for a chat?" Cade asked publicly.

"Sure," Asher replied.

Denying Cade publicly would have been disrespectful towards the Cranston Family, but that wasn't the reason why Asher allowed Cade to sit with them.

Asher had only met Cade once in his previous life, and that was also the day both of them fought to death.

In Asher's memories, Cade was nothing but a person who was obsessed with swordsmanship.

His obsession was so great that he neglected his duty as the heir when he heard that Nathan Greville had died.

He became obsessed with making his sword art the strongest, and he started clearing hard Dungeons so often that many people heard about him.

"I heard that you defeated my brother in a spar?" Cade said in a low voice.

Everyone was curious what they were talking about.

"Yeah, I did," Asher replied calmly.

Damian was a bit nervous because, unlike others, Cade held a status equal to Asher.

'I guess he wouldn't do anything here, though,' Damian thought as he relaxed.

"Is it an issue?" Asher asked as he looked directly into Cade's eyes.

Damian and Amelia got worried that Asher was provoking Cade, but unlike what they imagined, Cade's response was different.

"Not really, it's his fault for being careless," Cade said.

He blamed Blake for being careless while also denying that it was Asher that was strong.

Because Cade was a Heir of the Cranston Family, he needed to choose his words carefully while maintaining the image of his family at all times.

"I wanted to have a spar myself, but the current you is too weak for me," Cade said.

He wasn't mocking Asher but being truthful.

"In your Third Year of World Academy, when you choose Guild Missions, I want you to choose a mission in Fashia," Cade said.

"It's you who wants a spar. Why should I go out of my way to do so?" Asher said as he looked at Cade.

"Of course, I will personally offer an artifact from my personal collection; you can choose any S Rank Artifact you want from it," Cade offered with a smile on his face.

He stood up and looked at Asher.

"And you should know that the personal collection of the Heir of the Cranston Family would be quite interesting even for you," Cade said as he turned to leave.

Amelia and Damian were confused about what had just happened.
